Importance Of Pool Maintenance | Pool Services | Things You Must Know

Having a pool at your property is definitely a luxury and fun too. Sometimes, having a quick dip in the pool helps you provide relief from many mental burdens Also, at times when the sun shines at its peak the same pool feels like a blessing. If you are also a pool owner, you might love to keep using that pool for ages. 

However, like every luxury or any part of your home, regular maintenance is required to make it last long. Swimming and pool services only sounds like a huge task, it’s pretty easy in actuality. All you have to do is give a little time to it every day and clean it.  

If you keep up the regular pool services, there are meager chances of getting any defects or other problems. A pool that is looked after every day can potentially last longer. 

Importance Of Pool Maintenance

However, if by any chance you failed in regular pool services and ended up not doing the cleaning on a regular basis, you and your pool might get in trouble. A dirty pool works as a production house of algae, poisonous insects, and many other bacteria. 

Once you have spent weeks not cleaning your pool, it will turn into a pool of diseases. Moreover, after it gets that dirty, its cleaning will be something out of your expertise. A dirty pool can only be cleaned by professionals, and it definitely is a costly task. 

Cleaning and maintaining your pool also affects its life span. If you fail to keep it maintained, its life will be cut in half or a quarter. Different types of pools, along with their different parts, demand different amounts of attention.

Here are some of the common pool services that are very important for both the pool and you, and how these maintenance can affect your health and the pool’s life.

Water Balance

Taking care of your swimming pool can be confusing, especially for regular homeowners. But it’s important to keep the pool water clean and safe by adding balanced chemicals to it. You don’t need to be a professional to add chemicals to your pools. All you need is a testing kit and the proper information to use it. 

Most people already know about the use of chlorine in the pool. It keeps the water clean enough that you can swim without getting any disease. If the pool’s pH is not right, it can make your eyes sting if you open them underwater or even turn your hair a bit green if you swim a lot.

But chlorine is just one part of the chemicals you need to watch. The most important thing is to make sure the pH is balanced. Ideally, the pool’s pH should be around 7.4, which is similar to the pH of your eyes and the inside of your nose. When it’s at this level, you won’t feel much irritation, even if you swim for a long time.

Keeping the pH steady is like a tricky balancing act. It involves different chemicals and even the weather. If the sun shines a lot, the chlorine can disappear faster, so you need to add more. If it rains, the pool’s pH might drop because rain can be a little acidic. Also, the chemicals in the water, the pool liner, and the ones you add can all affect the pH. So, it’s essential to keep an eye on it and make adjustments as needed.

If you’re not confident enough to regularly test and maintain your pool water PH, the best thing to do is hire a reliable pool services company to do it for you. If you don’t take care of it yourself or have someone else do it, your pool can quickly become dirty and unsafe to swim in. Don’t let that happen to your pool. It’s essential to get professional help as soon as you can.

Pool Hardware

In addition to keeping your pool clean and balanced, there are many pieces of equipment that need regular care to work well and last a long time. Just like any mechanical device, pool equipment goes through a lot of stress and will eventually need repairs or replacements. But you can make your equipment last longer by doing maintenance regularly.

The pool filter is the most vital part of every pool. It keeps your pool water safe from dirt and small things. But it’s crucial to keep your filter and all its connected parts in good condition. If not, your water quality can get worse, and you might end up with bigger and costlier problems.

A significant part of keeping your filter working well is preventing big debris from getting in. Your pool filter is designed for small stuff, not leaves and branches. Try to spend a few minutes every day removing large debris from your pool, or you can use an automatic skimmer, but remember it also needs some care.

Make sure the filter basket is doing its job to keep big things out of the filter. Always check that the pump on your filter is working properly. A wrecked pump has the potential to make your pool water dirty.

Pool and Deck

This might seem like an obvious thing, but many pool owners forget about it. Your swimming pool contains a lot of stuff from people’s bodies, like sweat, hair products, sunscreen, and more. All these chemicals can leave a thin layer on your pool liner. If you don’t clean it regularly, you might end up with layers of dirt that are tough to remove and can damage your pool liner. Taking a few minutes to wipe your pool liner often will make your pool last longer.

Another easy task is keeping your pool deck clean. You probably remove leaves, twigs, and other debris from your pool daily. You may also check and clean your filter basket. But if you don’t regularly sweep your pool deck, you’re inviting more dirt into your pool. So, remember to sweep your deck. It will save you time in the long run.

It’s also essential to clean your pool tiles regularly. Just like your pool liner, the tiles can collect a slimy film made up of stuff from people and maybe some algae. Regularly wiping your pool’s tiles will prevent tough, dried-on layers of dirt and save you from costly grout damage repairs.


Taking care of your pool is not only an important task for the pool itself, it’s important for you too. Dirty water can cause numerous diseases that you might not want with you.   If you don’t have the time to do it yourself, it’s a good idea to hire a trustworthy and experienced pool services company.

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