I’m called Siri – and I’ve had to change my name to stop iPhones pinging every time someone says my name


  • Siri Price, 26, said she was “absolutely furious” after the latest Apple update

A personal trainer named Siri has been forced to change her name to stop iPhones from pinging every time someone says her name.

Siri Price, 26, from Edinburgh, has put up with sharing her name with Apple’s personal assistant for more than a decade, but reached her limit with the company’s latest update.

With the release of iOS 17 two weeks ago, iPhone users simply have to say “Siri” to activate the hands-free assistant, while previously they had to say “Hey Siri.”

The recent update means that human Siri – who was just 14 years old when the technology was first released – has been inundated with phone pings when someone tries to talk to her.

The fitness coach said she was ‘fuming’ from the constant noise.

A personal trainer named Siri has been forced to change her name to stop iPhones from pinging every time someone says her name

Siri Price, 26, from Edinburgh, has shared her name with Apple’s personal assistant for more than a decade

Apple’s Siri was first introduced in 2011, but a recent update has changed the way it is activated

She said The sun: ‘I work in a gym with a lot of people around me, so everyone learned pretty quickly not to say “Hey” when they greet me, otherwise there would be a lot of squeaking.

‘It was annoying, but bearable. Now people can’t even say my name. I’m definitely smoking.

“My colleagues had to sit down and come up with a solution because people’s phones were ringing non-stop.”

She added that her final straw came after her boyfriend downloaded the update and his phone would wake up every time he spoke to her.

Siri has now changed its name to Siz to enable more peaceful conversations with friends and family.

The origin of her name comes from Old Norse and means ‘beautiful woman who leads you to victory’.

Apple’s speech-controlled AI stands for Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface.

Siri has now changed its name to Siz to enable more peaceful conversations with friends and family

Siri – who was just 14 years old when the technology was first released – is inundated with phone pings when someone tries to talk to her

The voice-activated technology can announce calls, help send messages, provide directions and control items around the home – all while being hands-free.

The recent update brings it in line with Amazon’s rival ‘Alexa’, which is also activated by its name alone.

Siri Price isn’t the only one who feels she has suffered from the name choices of tech giants.

Student Alexa Seary previously described the “waking nightmare” of having the same name as both Amazon and Apple’s personal assistants.

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