I’m buying my son a Tesla – my husband now wants me to buy my stepchildren cars too

  • A mother plans to buy a car for her 14-year-old son
  • Her stepchildren ‘don’t have and won’t have any more cars anytime soon’
  • She questions her choice not to buy cars for the other children

A woman asks people if she’s the asshole for not treating her stepchildren the same way she treats her 14-year-old son.

The married mother created a Reddit post for the r/AITAH community yesterday describing how angry her husband was when he found out she would be buying her son, and not her stepchildren, a Tesla Model 3.

“My son will be 15 soon and he is asking for a model 3. I plan to buy it for him because I think he deserves it,” she stated.

Her stepchildren were just as upset as their father, who the woman says “didn’t and won’t get any cars.”

In regards to the post, the wife wanted to know from other Reddit users: “AITAH because you won’t buy my stepkids’ cars and finance the family?”

The Tesla model is the car the woman’s 14-year-old son asks for as a gift. It was unveiled in 2016 and the 2023 Model 3 refresh design was announced last September

The Model 3 was the world's best-selling plug-in electric car from 2018 to 2020, before being knocked off the top spot by the Tesla Model Y

The Model 3 was the world’s best-selling plug-in electric car from 2018 to 2020, before being knocked off the top spot by the Tesla Model Y

The woman and her husband currently have a prenuptial agreement in which they are each responsible for their own children, meaning they would both have separate finances.

They also both pay their own bills and share the mortgage.

‘We split groceries and the mortgage 40/60. He 60% I 40% based on the fact that he has two kids and I have one,” she stated.

Despite the split, the woman said her husband now wants her to pay 80% because she can no longer live the “same lifestyle” he did during the early years of their marriage.

The women described the prenuptial agreement she and her husband made when they got married, and said she likes the idea of ​​

The women described the prenuptial agreement she and her husband made when they got married, and said she likes the idea of ​​”separate finances.”

Reddit users have spoken out and many of them have stated that the woman is NTA.

One person wrote: ‘You’re just following the OG agreement.’

‘He is the one who comes up with changes that benefit him. Just be prepared for changes in the relationship if he continues like this,” she added.

Another wrote: ‘I don’t see why you should finance his lifestyle now. But I don’t see how you guys can keep your marriage going at this point unless your husband comes along and makes amends with the OG arrangement.”

“So he was okay with your son treating his kids differently when you guys got together, but now he wants them to be equal,” another Reddit user said.

‘NTA. I hope your son has fun with the car,” they added.

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Many Reddit users believe the woman is NTA for deciding to buy a car for her teenage son and not doing the same for her stepchildren

Many Reddit users believe the woman is NTA for deciding to buy a car for her teenage son and not doing the same for her stepchildren

Some Reddit users responded to the post mainly to destroy her marriage instead of telling her whether or not she is a ******.

One person commented: ‘…You knew your husband had lost a job, resulting in a 50% pay cut, and you didn’t even blink. What kind of partnership is that?’

‘Why did you even get married? You two didn’t start a family, you just did what was best for you,” one Reddit user said.

They added: ‘Besides, a brand new electric car for a teenage driver is beyond stupid. There’s a good chance it will be broken within a year.’

‘While what you have written seems reasonable. don’t be shocked if your second marriage ends in divorce,” one Reddit user wrote.

“I really feel sorry for your stepchildren and the lack of awareness you have about how you treat them versus your son.”

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Reddit users who agree or disagree with her decision have also spoken poorly about her marriage, many believing that the husband and wife will eventually divorce

Reddit users who agree or disagree with her decision have also spoken poorly about her marriage, many believing that the husband and wife will eventually divorce

Because of the family’s skewed financial structure, many readers believe that the husband and wife will eventually divorce.

The woman has not responded to any comments since posting the message on Reddit.