I’m annoyed that Christmas falls on a Monday this year – people say I’m daft, but there’s not enough time to get into the festive spirit

A woman has revealed her Christmas is on the brink of collapse as the holiday falls on a Monday this year.

Go to the British Parenting Forum Mothernetthe mother-of-one admitted she felt “irrationally irritated” about the little time she had before December 25 to enjoy joyful festivities.

She explained that since her office is “cleaning out” on Friday, December 22 for the holidays, she would only have the weekend to “get into the Christmas spirit” and participate in “Christmas activities.”

When she asked on the forum if she was being “unreasonable” for feeling slighted about the calendar date, many responded by mocking her, including one person who called her “pretty crazy,” while another told her to “get over it.” .

Explaining the predicament, she wrote: “I feel very irrationally irritated because Christmas falls on a Monday this year.

A woman has revealed her Christmas is on the brink of ruin as the holiday falls on a Monday this year (Stock Image)

Im annoyed that Christmas falls on a Monday this year

The unnamed mother-of-one admitted she felt

The unnamed mother-of-one admitted she felt “irrationally irritated” about the little time she had before December 25 to enjoy joyful festivities. She also said she was worried she only had the weekend to “get into the Christmas spirit.”

'Normally in the week before Christmas you break up on the Friday and have a few days to get into the Christmas spirit, do Christmas activities and get the last bits ready.

“This year I'm breaking up on Friday and then BAM Christmas Day and then it's all over.”

She concluded the rant by asking whether she was perhaps being unreasonable because she was becoming “very annoyed” about the placement of the holiday.

The reactions came in thick and fast, with a total of no less than 323 reactions to the post.

An accompanying poll attracted more than 2,000 votes, with a whopping 81 percent of users voting against the poster, saying she was indeed unreasonable.

Replying to her post, someone wrote: 'Who cares? Are you a teacher? It's kind of stupid to be annoyed by a calendar.'

Another insinuated she was being childish and said: 'There are five of you? Have you never noticed this phenomenon before?'

A third advised: 'Yes, I think you should complain. Ask if it can be moved to the weekend every year from now on.'

A whopping 81 percent of users voted against the poster saying that her annoyance was indeed unreasonable

A whopping 81 percent of users voted against the poster saying that her annoyance was indeed unreasonable

'Every year it's on a different day. Get over it,” said a fourth.

“All you can do is start an online petition to move Christmas Day and contact the Minister of Major Affairs,” said another sarcastically.

And another said: 'You're not being unreasonable and you have every right to be annoyed, very annoyed indeed! I suggest you jump outside, shout loudly and shake your fist at a passing cloud. Then let your head wiggle.'

However, not everyone felt this way, and some people also shared their disdain for the Christmas date.

One person wrote: 'It's a bit tricky on Monday. Only six hours for everyone to do the last shopping. I'm not looking forward to that.'

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1703146753 206 Im annoyed that Christmas falls on a Monday this year

1703146756 171 Im annoyed that Christmas falls on a Monday this year

1703146758 55 Im annoyed that Christmas falls on a Monday this year

1703146761 630 Im annoyed that Christmas falls on a Monday this year

1703146763 747 Im annoyed that Christmas falls on a Monday this year

1703146765 714 Im annoyed that Christmas falls on a Monday this year

1703146767 122 Im annoyed that Christmas falls on a Monday this year

1703146769 476 Im annoyed that Christmas falls on a Monday this year

1703146771 427 Im annoyed that Christmas falls on a Monday this year

1703146773 19 Im annoyed that Christmas falls on a Monday this year

When she asked on the forum if she was being

When she asked on the forum if she was being “unreasonable” for feeling slighted about the calendar date, many responded by mocking her, including one person who called her “pretty crazy,” while another told her to “get over it.” .

Someone else said: 'We're breaking up (teacher) on the 22nd! No time before Christmas for the kids to do anything apart from the weekends. But I like the time after Christmas to relax and we won't be back until the 9th!'

Meanwhile, one user said: 'I love it. This means that you finish work on Friday and have the weekend to prepare/relax. Monday is the best day, that's my honest opinion'.

Later in an updated post, the woman pointed to financial problems as the reason for her annoyance: “I know it's irrational. It never bothered me that it was on the Monday before, probably because I worked Christmas Day before my daughter was born, but this year it really bugs me.

“I think it's because I don't have time to get any last-minute gifts after payday, so I'm going to have to try to cram them all into this paycheck.”

Looking on the bright side, someone replied, “No. This year is fine: four days off in a row. Next year is nonsense. Work on the 23rd and 24th, off on the 25th and 26th, then turn in a crapshoot on Friday for the weekend. Then New Year's on Wednesday. I don't know if I'm coming or going!'