I’m an American mum living in the UK… here is the budget shop I love the most – it makes me feel at home

An American mother living in the UK has revealed her favourite budget store.

Jules, who runs the account with her husband Tom, regularly posts videos with their three children on TikTok under her family’s @peachyfamilyuk account, sharing these videos with a total of 42,000 followers.

A recent video sees them heading to popular British budget store B&M, where the whole family buys a variety of snacks.

The couple immediately bought the American classics: Pop Tarts, peanut butter and jelly and other sweets.

As the video progressed, however, their options became more recognisable to Brits: the family opted for Marmite, Ambrosia custard and Angel Delight.

Jules, who runs the account with her husband Tom, regularly posts videos of the couple with their three children on TikTok under her family’s account @peachyfamilyuk.

An American woman living in the UK has revealed her favourite budget store, saying it makes her feel at home.

An American woman living in the UK has revealed her favourite budget store, saying it makes her feel at home.

There were also various sweets available, such as Maoams, Cadbury Fingers, a Galaxy sharing bar and some Monster Munch chips.

On their way to the drinks department at B&M, the family bought a multipack of J20, supplemented with Tango, Vimto, Oasis and the Scottish classic Irn Bru. It was clear that they had a preference for carbonated drinks.

Responding to the family’s big shopping spree in the comments, many Brits joked about the variety of items available, joking: ‘Let me explain B&M – you go in for washing powder and come out with the whole Zoflora range, 15 candles, flannels, nappy set, a lamp and a garden rake. I don’t know how.’

‘Last week I went to the supermarket for toilet paper and came back with two new suitcases, a lawn chair and a curling iron.’

‘I recently went to the supermarket for a table fan, but ended up buying a lazy spa, that’s the pitfall’.

‘It’s the place where your bank balance goes to £0. Too many good things.’

‘A B&M is actually a store with everything’.

The story is about an American living in the United Kingdom who tells others everything they need to know about the big city before making it their home.

Dys, who is from Atlanta, Georgia, shared the pros and cons of living in the capital city.

Dys, a native of Atlanta, Georgia, moved from across the pond to the big city and revealed the pros and cons of living in the bustling capital.

Dys, a native of Atlanta, Georgia, moved from across the pond to the big city and revealed the pros and cons of living in the bustling capital.

From its proximity to European countries to its drinking culture and surprisingly nice weather, the content creator talked about life in London.

Dys listed all the positives of London and said that the city is more affordable compared to some other American cities.

But saving money on her weekly shopping wasn’t the only benefit London had, the content creator said.

Dys acknowledged the proximity to London and the cheap flights to other countries in Europe, the Middle East and more, adding: “Sometimes it’s best to leave.”

Another advantage of living in the UK for Dys was that he could ‘feel safe in large groups of people and gatherings’.

Although the American had mentioned some positive aspects of the United Kingdom, her view of the country was not entirely positive.

Dys said she wasn’t impressed with British drinking culture.

“Drinking is an essential part of the culture here,” she wrote.

‘You have to drink to make friends, to get ahead at work, to socialize, etc. Everything here involves drinking.’

From the difficulties of building a community to the gloomy British weather: The American view of life in London

From the difficulties of building a community to the gloomy British weather: The American view of life in London

The American also criticised London as a “fake 24-hour city” and claimed it is difficult to buy food after 9pm.

Dys also found the capital a very lonely place, joking how difficult it was to create a “warm, friendly or nice” community in the busy city.

She added: ‘The people, the infrastructure and the social fabric of London don’t encourage a lot of spontaneity. That’s one of the many things I miss about the US.’

Dys was also disappointed with the selection of sweets in the UK, but he encouraged Americans to realise how “spoiled for choice” they are.