I’m an American living in the UK – these are five things I wish I knew about British culture before moving

An American living in Britain has revealed the five things he wished he knew about British culture before he moved.

On TikTok, where he has more than 21.5 million likes on various videos posted to his account, Kobie shared his first thoughts, saying, “The police don’t patrol the same way they do in the US.

‘They are always at different points or have speed cameras. I haven’t seen a single officer stop anyone here for speeding.’

Kobie also claimed that you should refuse food if it is offered by a Brit, especially if it is their last piece.

He noted, “I know they’re offering it to you, but they don’t actually want to give it to you, they’re just trying to be nice.”

The American gave an example of a friend who offered him his last piece of halloumi at Nando’s, which Kobie ate because he didn’t know how much it would irritate his friend.

Moving on to point three, he said: ‘If you go out in public anywhere in central London (London), you can’t ignore it. Here in Britain everyone has a bit of a sense of style.

“I remember when I first came here, I put on a pair of slippers and my pajama bottoms and people looked at me like I was crazy.”

An American living in Britain has revealed the five things he wished he knew about British culture before he moved

His penultimate observation showed that British people were ‘slowly starting to change their accents’ because there are ‘so many different accents in Britain’.

He said that this made the ears of the British people “so sensitive” to a number of different accents

Kobie expanded on his final point about the cultural shocks in Britain that he witnessed as an American: “As someone who is quite tall, don’t expect to have big cars here.

‘Most cars are compact or regular cars. There are no F1 50s. There are no lifted cars, no lifted trucks. That’s because everything is so small.’

Commenting on Kobie’s TikTok video, someone said: ‘First person I’ve seen analyze the UK so perfectly all the time.’

Another added: “The accent change is real. We’re just finding common ground.”

A third commented: ‘Pjs in the center is brave.’

It comes after Kobie uploaded another video in August, documenting the wide-ranging differences he discovered between British and American supermarkets.

On TikTok, where he has more than 21.5 million likes on various videos posted to his account, Kobie shared his first thought, saying: ‘The police don’t patrol the same way they do in the US’

The first thing that caught Jordan off guard was the sight of unrefrigerated eggs as he panned his camera to dozens of boxes neatly stacked on the shelves.

He said, “One of the first things that threw me off: the eggs aren’t refrigerated.

‘Funnily enough, I found that the eggs lasted much longer than when I kept them in the fridge. For me, I put them on top of the microwave.”

Jordan then noted that British supermarkets appear to sell food in much smaller portions than their American counterparts, adding: “In Britain you shop a lot more often, but you buy in smaller quantities.”

Fresh produce in Britain also confused Jordan when he showed bags of potatoes, radishes and ready-to-eat lettuce as examples with a shelf life of just a few days.

Displaying the items’ expiration dates of August 11 and 8, he explained: ‘Fresh produce has a quicker shelf life than at home. At the time we’re filming this, it’s August 7th.’

‘Most don’t last longer than three days, but at home our products are packed with preservatives.’

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