I’m an American in Australia but no one wants to date me because I’m not thin or blonde

An American woman who has traveled the world was 'disappointed' by the Australian dating scene after receiving little to no attention from men.

Lili, from Oregon, said her experience in Sydney left a lot to be desired because she is not “thin and blonde.”

β€œI have a good personality, I make friends easily, I put myself out there – and I just haven't gotten anything in return,” she said in a TikTok video.

β€œI see white, thin, blonde girls bringing almost nothing to the market – and they're getting everything. I walked to the beach with two of them and within two minutes they were both stopped and asked for their numbers. It's never happened to me before.'

As someone who is medium-sized and heavier, Lili said it was “extremely frustrating” to travel and date in Australia, and that she “didn't love” the experience.

Lili revealed that her experience in Sydney was tainted as someone who is not 'thin' and 'blonde'

“Australia is just a country where things are determined by your body,” she said, adding: “It's true everywhere, but here it felt even more severe.”

The American said her experience in Spain was much different – ​​and better – compared to Sydney.

β€œIf you're not thin, white and possibly blonde, your experience as a woman in Australia will be very different,” she said.

'I [hung out] this girl I met on Facebook and we were talking about what it's like living in Sydney and traveling around Australia as someone who isn't thin or white.

“Really, since I've been in Australia I've gotten little to no romantic attention and I know it's because I'm not skinny and blonde.”

Many Australians disagreed with Lili's assessment.

'I'm an Australian redhead. I've been fat and thin, I've been affected at all stages of my body, even during pregnancy and postpartum. I'm 36. It's your vibe, I guess,” someone said.

β€œYou seem negative and jealous – like [you] change [your] energy [you] will see a huge difference. Australia is all about easy going people,” wrote another. “If you're moody, no one wants to be around that.”

'I'm plus size and had a great time dating in Sydney!' one traveler shared.

A few claimed it was a Sydney-specific problem.

β€œAs a plus size brunette who has lived in both Sydney and Melbourne, it's a Sydney thing,” one woman said.

β€œSydney, anywhere on the water, is very shallow,” echoed another.

Several blonde Australian women have also spoken out on the subject.

'No, but this is not specific to Australia; this is worldwide. Come on, now,” someone said.

'Born and raised in Australia and never asked anyone for my number while I was away. Are you saying maybe things would be different if I left?!” asked another.

A third said: 'But we don't even want attention from who we get it from. Believe me, you won't miss anything.'