I’m an American in Australia and there’s a bizarre food quirk here that’s just plain crazy

A young American woman who has lived in Australia has listed four words she “can't ignore” when it comes to food culture.

Tate Duane moved from California to Melbourne last year and is still learning more about Australian culture.

In a viral TikTok video, she listed four words and terms Australians use for food that differs from what she is used to at home.

'I don't care what you say, Australians speak a foreign language. This is not the English I know. Some of these words are so crazy,” she said in a TikTok video.

Tate Duane moved from California to Melbourne last year and is still learning more about Australian culture. In a viral TikTok video, she mentioned four words and terms Australians use for food that differs from what she is used to at home

First on the list was “jacket potato” – also known as a baked potato to some – but Tate said she's “never heard of that in her life.”

'It's called a baked potato. What do you mean he's wearing a jacket? I actually think that's cute and fun, but you bake it. So it's a baked potato,” she said.

Next, Australians call coriander, while Americans call the herb cilantro.

Tate was passionate about this point, saying, β€œThat's cilantro. It either tastes like soap or it doesn't, but all I know is it's cilantro.”

Tate then wondered why Australians call bell peppers 'capsicum' and admitted she didn't know what it was on a menu.

'Where do we get these peppers from? I don't know what I'm ordering. What do you mean it has paprika on it? What?' she continued.

She admitted she had no idea what baked potato, pepper, coriander and honey chicken were

She admitted she had no idea what baked potato, pepper, coriander and honey chicken were

The only food Tate really had trouble understanding was honey chicken – because she calls it orange chicken at home.

“All I wanted was some orange chicken from a Chinese restaurant here – and your Chinese food is completely different, it's better here,” she said.

'I wanted orange chicken, but apparently you call it honey chicken. My friend literally ordered it in front of me and I didn't know I wanted that.

“And he said, 'Oh, this is what you meant?' What do you mean? It's orange and it's chicken! Yes!'

The video has been viewed more than 343,000 times after 48 hours and some Aussies had their own questions.

“Wait… American 'orange chicken' has nothing to do with the fruit orange?” one commented.

“I kept thinking Americans ate chicken with orange sauce, but it was actually honey chicken!?” said another.

'Orange chicken has no orange flavor? Honey chicken because it's honey lol we have lemon chicken too,” a third added.

β€œWell, I was years old today when I learned that orange chicken wasn't orange-flavored chicken! I thought it was a variation on lemon chicken,” another admitted.

Someone else wrote: 'Never heard of baked potato. I'm Australian.'

'Cilantro is American for coriander. Almost every other country says coriander,” said one.

Read more: American expat 'blown away' by the everyday cuisine everyone has in Australia and New Zealand

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