I’m a WiFi expert – your connection is slow if your router is set up in one of these five places


Alex Tofts, broadband expert at comparison service Broadband Genie (Broadband Genie)

Placing your internet router in the ‘wrong’ room in your house, or even in the wrong place in the right room, can slow down your home network.

A Wi-Fi expert explained to DailyMail.com that knowing where to place your router “makes all the difference” to a good and bad signal on connected devices.

Alex Tofts, of broadband comparison service Broadband Genie, said routers should never be placed under stairs, on a window, in the kitchen or attic, or next to a vase or fishbowl.

Your router is a radio transmitter, and whenever possible you should try to have a clear ‘line of sight’ from the router to devices that need a fast connection, without bulky walls in the way.

Hiding your router blocks your signal (Midjourney: Rob Waugh)

Wi-Fi signals don’t pass well through metal, water, solid walls, or heavy furniture, so lifting a router and placing it in an open area can help, explains Tofts

“The general rules to keep in mind are to look for nearby obstacles that could cause a problem.

“Don’t place it behind bulky furniture or next to other gadgets that could interfere with the signal.”

He added, “There are certain rooms in the house that can be particularly problematic, so with that in mind, here are the areas you should think twice about.”

You don’t get the best performance with a router in the kitchen (Midjourney: Rob Waugh)

Underneath the stairs

“We know routers aren’t the most pleasant objects in your home, but don’t treat them like Harry Potter or lock them under the stairs.”

Moving the router away from walls ‘frees up the signal’ – and the same goes for floors, so it might be worth turning it up higher too.

The kitchen

Electrical devices that use radio signals, such as cordless phones or baby monitors, can interfere and interfere with your router’s signal, Tofts explains.

He said, “Sometimes there are a few in the kitchen and the biggest culprit is your microwave.

“It uses the same 2.4 GHz signal, which competes with your router when heating up food.”

Next to a window

It’s a bad idea to place your router next to a window or in a place with direct sunlight.

If your router gets hot, especially in the summer, this could be a problem.

Tofts said, “Like any electrical device, it is important to keep it cool. This can be more difficult in the summer, but don’t place it next to windows where it will be in direct sunlight.’

“A shaded area unobstructed by large objects should be fine.” Also ensure good ventilation in the room.’

Next to a vase or fishbowl

Don’t put your router next to an aquarium, vase or fishbowl (Midjourney: Rob Waugh)

Water isn’t great for Wi-Fi signals, so make sure your router isn’t near it – and that your network doesn’t rely on Wi-Fi traveling through water.

Tofts said, “Water blocks Wi-Fi signals, so don’t put your router near anything with a lot of water — whether that’s your indoor waterfall, aquarium, fishbowl, or even vases with a lot of water in them.”

In the attic

In general, you want your router to be in the center of your house, rather than on the edges, Toft explains.

Toft said, “Attic space is not optimal for signal strength.

‘Ideally you want your router on the ground floor in the middle of your house, then you have the best chance of reaching all rooms in your house.

“Insulating material in the attic can also make it more difficult to get a better signal. If you’re using your attic space and need internet there, consider using a WiFi booster.”

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