I’m a vet – here are my SEVEN top tips for anyone who has just got a puppy

Getting your first pet can be a tricky experience, with questions about how to feed them, care for them and keep them fit and healthy.

Practicing vet Ben Simpson-Vernon, who goes by Ben The Vet online, has given his top advice to new puppy owners to better prepare dog lovers.

Underestimating the difficulties of owning a dog can lead to unexpected financial costs, annoying maintenance or health problems for your dog.

What are the vet’s top seven tips for new puppy owners? Read below for the full list.

Practicing veterinarian Ben Simpson-Vernon has offered seven pieces of advice to new puppy owners to better prepare dog lovers

It is crucial to research which puppy is right for you. For example, French bulldogs (photo) are relatively susceptible to disease and will therefore likely have to pay higher veterinary costs.

Do your research

Ben’s first tip was to do plenty of research into which breeds best suit your finances and lifestyle.

If you don’t have time to walk your dog for two hours every day, you should avoid more energetic varieties.

He added: ‘Some of the most popular dog breeds may be at much greater risk of health problems than others, particularly flat-faced or brachycephalic breeds such as pugs and French bulldogs.’

Responsible breeders should conduct testing to mitigate some of these potential problems, but nevertheless, choosing a breed that is prone to health problems will likely cost you more.

Socialize your puppy

The temptation is to wrap your god in metaphorical cotton wool when they’re young, but Ben revealed it’s best to “socialize them a lot when they’re young.”

He explained that there is a critical “socialization period” in brain development when a puppy is between three and 12 weeks old, when you want to get him used to as many new things as possible.

That includes other people and types of dogs, as well as outdoor scenarios and sensations like traffic noise and a vet’s office.

Ben added: ‘Pups who are not given varied experiences at this young age are more likely to grow up anxious and fearful.’

Consider pet insurance

A bit of a gamble during the cost of living crisis for vet owners will be whether to splurge on pet insurance.

But Ben was clear that it was a worthwhile investment.

“Many pet owners I meet every day simply don’t have access to hundreds or thousands of dollars if their pet gets sick or needs surgery,” he said.

“Pet insurance gives you peace of mind if the unexpected happens.”

Use a toothbrush

“Imagine what would happen if you didn’t brush your teeth for years,” Ben asked, “the same thing happens to our dogs.

The TikTok vet’s solution was to introduce a toothbrush as quickly as possible.

As with socializing your dog to new people and pets, the best chance of getting your dog used to a toothbrush is to first try it while he is still a puppy.

Doing this will hopefully reduce the amount of dental work they need during their lifetime.

Put them on a diet

Just like toothbrushes, a healthy diet is something your pet will have to get used to.

Ben said: ‘Feeding a puppy an inappropriate diet, especially a home-cooked diet that is not balanced, can have a negative effect on bone growth and general health.

‘Make sure you feed them a well-balanced, complete puppy food, in the right amounts.’

Train them young

Another key to harnessing your puppy’s more malleable, younger brain is to train him as a child.

This way ‘you ensure that you have an adult dog that is pleasant to live with’.

“Obedience classes are a must,” Ben continued, “especially if you have a large or giant dog that can easily turn into an out-of-control adult.”

While he’s young, Ben recommends getting your dog used to a healthy diet, other people, the outdoors, and more

Get them vaccinated

The vet’s final tip was to be early and protect your dog’s health with vaccinations and other preventive measures.

He encouraged puppy owners to ensure their dog has had its first vaccination by eight weeks of age.

Additionally, new dog owners were encouraged to talk to their vet about parasite protection to prevent things like worms, fleas and ticks.

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