I’m a vet and that’s why you shouldn’t hug your dog

I’m a vet and this is the main reason why you shouldn’t hug your dog

After a long, grueling day, sometimes the perfect cure for your misery is a big old loving hug from your dog.

However, experts are now warning that Britons need to find an alternative way to show their dogs some love.

Professionals even claim that giving your dog a hug can have the opposite effect, making the animal feel stressed and aggressive.

And according The sundogs behave when disarmed by a hug because they feel uncomfortable and anxious.

As their stress levels continue to rise, this can lead to barking, growling and even biting.

Experts have explained how hugging dogs can make them feel stressed and anxious. This in turn can lead to them growling and even biting (stock image)

Cuddling is seen as a form of handling so while a dog may eat it initially, their primary defense is to run away.

Patricia McConnell, a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist wrote in her blog, The Other End Of The Leash, said, “Yes, your dog can jump on your lap, kiss your face, and beg you to rub her tummy.

But that’s not “cuddling.” In my experience, many dogs don’t like it when a human moves an arm or two around their shoulders and squeezes them.

“That’s the hug we’re talking about.”

In fact, Behavior Vets author Lauren Novack said that dogs who do like cuddles are actually rare.

The comments come after another British vet revealed the five dog breeds she personally wouldn’t buy and the reasons why.

Cat, from the UK, posted at TikTok — which got over 450,000 views — about which pets she wouldn’t decide to care for.

She said, “I’m a vet and here are five dog breeds I personally wouldn’t own. And as always with videos like this, there is there will be a lot of you who own these breeds and love these dogs and that is absolutely fine. Just listen to me carefully.

“Number one is the German Shepherd. Absolutely beautiful dogs and bred to be a watchdog.

“But they weren’t bred to guard, they were bred to be suspicious and fearful, which makes them really reactive dogs.”

‘If they have a bad experience, they never forget it. They are beautiful, but they are big. They are powerful and can be very, very challenging. So just not for me.

“Next is one of our flat-faced varieties. Again, absolutely wonderful little dogs, but they don’t deserve to suffer as much as they do. And I could absolutely never contribute to that suffering by deliberately owning one.

“Number three is the working Border Collie. I see quite a few of these bought from farms and kept as pets in practice. And large numbers of them have mental health issues because these are dogs that need a job.

“I just don’t have time in my life to put in enough to make sure they live their best life with me.”

“Number four is the Shar Pei, just a breed that I personally don’t like,” she continued.

‘But also many health problems and also many behavioral problems, which are often related to the fact that they have pain and discomfort because of their health and therefore become grumpy.

“And number five is a Saint Bernard or rather a large breed dog with a lot of jaws because honestly I just can’t handle the drooling.”