I’m a travel expert – and here are the four things you should NEVER do when you’re on a plane

  • Jess Bohorquez shares ‘things you should absolutely never do on a plane’
  • The globetrotter says an absolute no-no is slowly getting on board
  • Another pet peeve of hers is passengers taking their socks off during flight

Debates about airplane etiquette continue, but in an effort to straighten things out a bit, one travel expert has revealed her four absolute don’ts.

Jess Bohorquezof Chicago, titled one of her latest TikToks, ‘things you should absolutely never do on a plane,’ and in the clip she gushes from her guide.

She begins by explaining: ‘If you’re just new to flying or just need a refresher, here’s my take on four things you should absolutely never do on a plane.’

In on number one, the globetrotter says that an absolute no-no is slow boarding.

Chicago-based Jess Bohorquez called one of her latest TikToks ‘things you should absolutely never do on a plane’, and in the clip she gushes from her guide

In on number one, the globetrotter says that an absolute no-no is slow boarding

She explains: ‘Getting on a plane is a team sport and our aim is to leave on time, so it really shouldn’t take you more than four seconds to put your things in the overhead bin and get into your seat don’t take.’

If you’re struggling to load your things into the overhead bin, Jess advises ‘ask someone for help if you can’t do it yourself.’

Second, Jess addresses the subject of armrests and space hogging.

She tells viewers: ‘If you have the distinct luxury of having a window or an aisle seat, don’t take over both.

“Let that poor person in the middle have one thing, it’s both armrests.”

Jess’s third pet is talkative sitters.

She instructs viewers: ‘Don’t ask your neighbor more than two questions in a row because we always read the room on a plane and we don’t want to annoy our fellow passengers.

“If they want to continue talking to you, they’ll ask you a question.”

Second, Jess addresses the subject of armrests and space hogging

Thanks to her savvy travel and financial tips, Jess has gained a loyal following on her social media channels, with over 99,000 followers on Instagram and 72,000 on TikTok

Finally, Jess says this tip ‘should go without saying, but please keep your socks on at all times.’

Many viewers thanked the avid traveler for her insights and agreed with her tips.

One commenter wrote: ‘I agree with all of these. I never talk to anyone.

‘I did have a random guy talk to me and tell me everything. I thought he was crazy.’

Another viewer opined: ‘The armrest thing… I wish the flight attendants would make that announcement.’

One viewer made their own suggestion, writing: ‘Add this to the rule book: please don’t bring smelly food on the plane.’

Thanks to her savvy travel and finance tips, Jess has gained a loyal following on her social media channels, with over 99,000 followers on Instagram and 72,000 on TikTok.

Her other clips cover everything from how to pack efficiently to how to build up credit card travel points.

US Travel Weekend Features ProjectChicago