I’m a relationship expert and this is the biggest sign your marriage is dying

A marriage counselor has named the one sign that the spark in a relationship is starting to fizzle out.

Rick Netshiozwi said that couples who stop touching each other will definitely break up eventually.

However, not everyone was convinced; many said they are happily married to a partner they don't often hug or kiss.

β€œOne of the biggest signs of a dying marriage is when there is no contact in a relationship,” Rick said in a TikTok clamp.

'You don't hug each other anymore, the kissing isn't the same or it doesn't happen as often as it used to.'

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A relationship expert has revealed that a no-touch relationship is the first sign it's headed for a breakup (stock image)

The relationship guru said that those who sleep strictly on their own half of the bed and never even touch feet with their partner are headed for a breakup.

Rick said a lack of touch is a “clear sign” that a marriage is heading to its “deathbed,” as it is a crucial part of any loving relationship.

β€œOne of the ways to see that that touch is really gone and really gone is that as soon as you touch each other as a married couple, a strange energy flows,” he said.

“That's a symbol that will tear you apart faster than lightning strikes a tree on a stormy day.”

Rick's clip was viewed more than 826,600 times and left many in the comments divided.

“It's a clear sign that we all want a good night's sleep,” one viewer joked.

'We're both in our fifties. We sleep in different bedrooms because we both snore. I can't remember the last time we kissed. 35 years so far,” wrote another.

Or maybe just reached a new level of comfort and the next step in marriage: 30 years. We've all done that now that we're ready to go to bed,” a third replied.

But many agreed with Rick's sentiments and shared details about their own successful relationships.

'My husband still makes me melt, even after ten years of marriage. I still get the butterflies when he comes home,” one woman said.

β€œMy marriage was like this and it almost died. We got through it,” replied a second.

'My husband feels the love when I kiss him, even if he is fast. We always kiss each other goodbye,” wrote a third.