I’m a recruitment expert – these are the seven things you MUST have on your LinkedIn but probably don’t


There are now more than 950 million people on LinkedIn, and the 20-year-old site has become the go-to place to find work around the world.

But many profiles still miss the details that recruiters are looking for, warns James Barrett, managing director of global recruitment firm Michael Page for Technology and Transformation.

From having an “all-star” profile to having a personalized headline (instead of just a job title), people often miss out on the opportunity to boost their LinkedIn profile.

James Barrett, Managing Director of global recruitment firm Michael Page (Michael Page)

Up to 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find and screen candidates, and with eight people hired via LinkedIn every minute, it’s important to make sure you’re doing everything to stand out, Barrett told DailyMail.com.

Create a custom address

By default, Linkedin pulls your current job title and company and creates a headline for you – but leaving this as is is a mistake.

The headline (which for most people is simply the job title) appears in LinkedIn searches, Linkedin job applications, messages, and recommendations.

Custom Headings Make a Big Difference in Your Visibility (LinkedIn)

Good titles include skills and experience, for example, “engineer”, “web developer”, “passionate technical communicator”.

This will help you stand out to algorithms and recruiters.

“A custom header immediately drills into your profile details, setting your profile apart from those that only contain ‘job role’ and ‘company,’” Barrett said. When customizing your profile, get creative to attract others in your industry — and beyond. Similar to “dressing for the job you want,” it’s important to “customize clothing for the job you want” as well.

Attention to detail will get you on LinkedIn (Reuters)

Achieve LinkedIn “All Star” profile status.

LinkedIn says that “All Star” profiles are 40 times more likely to appear in searches on the site – making it easier for recruiters to find you.

As you fill out your profile, it goes to All-Star status (Linkedin)

So what is an “All Star” profile?

It’s basically one that’s 100 percent complete, complete with photo, skills, employment history, and all areas.

To see your status, click your profile picture on your desktop, click View Profile, and then scroll down to your profile.

You’ll see a progress bar: This starts at ‘Beginner’ and moves to ‘All Star’ once you’ve completed 100% of your profile.

Banner images are important

Many LinkedIn profiles are missing the “logo” image in the background and only have a header image – but this will immediately make the profile less attractive and less visible.

Choose something serious and related to the field you want to work in.

“A strong banner image can entice recruiters to connect to your page, and instantly sets the tone for who you are,” Barrett said.

Get the endorsement of colleagues

Very few people bother to search for connections and ask for their endorsements, which is important for profile visibility.

“Endorsements from your network help celebrate the skills you excel at and provide credibility to your profile,” Barrett said.

“It’s an essential part of a strong profile that’s rarely used the way it should be.” Reach out to people who you think have a good idea of ​​your ability and the key skills you have to back up what you’ve shared on your profile.

“Remember, your endorsements show the type of worker you are, so be sure to ask your contacts for endorsement skills that reflect your career path or career aspirations.”

Highlight your non-work-related skills

If you’ve had a career gap, use the new Career Break section to highlight the important skills you’ve learned during this time – whether you’re parenting or traveling.

To find the section, go to Add Profile Section, then Add Career Break, then add a section explaining the skills you’ve acquired.

“Use the career break section of your profile and fill it with information about the skills you developed during that break,” Barrett said. “Celebrate the opportunity this time outside of work has afforded you and be open about how it made you a stronger candidate.”

Have a summary with the character

LinkedIn is often seen as a slightly boring social network, but to attract attention, your profile needs a touch of personality.

The best place to add this is in your About section – instead of just saying who you are, put your passion and why you love your job.

Your summary provides an opportunity to express yourself (LinkedIn)

Your summary is highly visible on the site, and should be short, to the point, and immediately communicate who you are and why you love your work.

“Users often forget to use the summary to add some personality and show who they are beyond their job title and years in that position,” Barrett said.

“Remember, your profile is often the first glimpse many people will get to know who you are, so seize the opportunity to put your best foot forward and add some life to your LinkedIn presence.”

Some actual posts

Many people create a LinkedIn profile and hope to get found, but it’s important to do at least a few posts because recruiters are often looking for them.

“Having an active profile will help attract recruiters because it shows that you are interested in your field and are willing to get involved in it,” Barrett said.

“It can be easy to fall into the trap of just ‘owning’ a profile and letting it sit idle, rather than using it to its full potential.

“Regularly share articles and research you find interesting, comment on posts, and offer your two cents on why your profile is a thriving hub of creativity and information.

“If you’re passionate about a hot topic in the industry or have a new perspective to add to a heated conversation, let your network know and put your profile to good use.”

(Tags for translation) Daily Mail

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