A fed-up kindergarten teacher has taken aim at the parents of ‘naughty children’ who ignore their children’s ‘bad’ behavior or dismiss it as ‘normal’.
On Reddit, the 40-year-old teacher shared a photo of her vandalized classroom, claiming the mess was made by a three-and-a-half-year-old in the middle of a massive tantrum.
The photo shows toys all over the floor, with the bins upside down and the shelves left empty.
“The parents insist that the child’s behavior is not the problem,” the teacher said angrily.
And hundreds of people were on their side.
A fed-up kindergarten teacher has taken aim at the parents of ‘naughty children’ who ignore their children’s ‘bad’ behavior or dismiss it as ‘normal’
“F**king enrages me that one child could take away my own son’s right to an education and a safe environment,” one parent fumed.
‘It’s so depressing to know that such idiotic parents exist. Poor kids, that’s why people grow up all damned and idiotic. Idiot parents make idiot children and it’s sad because none of them even know how miserable and sad existence is,” another added.
“I taught preschool and kindergarten and when a kid did something like that, everything stopped until the kid cleaned it all up. No lesson. No lunch. We’re not going home,” said a third.
Others, who claim to work in the childcare sector, said “such children” should be banned from the classroom.
“I am an SLP at a preschool. Peer-modeled classrooms are often great, but when there’s a kid like that, it just ruins everything. The kids are terrified, the other SPED kids don’t get good models and the teacher just wants to die. I think these types of children need individual instruction and should not be around other children except during recess and snacks,” said another.
Others said they “see that child ending up in jail later” if the parents don’t “get a wake-up call.”
But some said it looked like a classroom management problem and asked what the teacher had missed that caused the child to have such a huge reaction.
“Reddit just loves to blame parents because it’s easy and many don’t know any better. And some parents just had wonderful and thoughtful children and still assumed the worst about other parents,” said one mother.
“I want to know how much this teacher missed. This doesn’t just happen; things need to escalate to get to this point,” said another.
One kindergarten teacher sympathized with both the teacher and the child, saying the consequences looked “brutal.”
“Kids need a lot of toys, but there are a LOT of toys in there,” she said.
‘If you limit the amount of stuff available, even when kids are freaking out – whether it’s because of a tantrum or a good mood – then tidying up is still manageable. So you can sit back and let them run wild without worrying about it.”
The photos show toys all over the floor, with the bins upside down and the shelves left empty
This is not the first critical message from the teacher who has also called out people for assuming that children cannot cause ‘harm’ to a person.
“I’m 6 feet tall and I’ve had five-year-olds who came up to my chin, and a seven-year-old who could look me in the eye,” she said.
She said metal bottles were thrown at her head, causing damage.
“We had a brush last year and she could destroy things in seconds. Stomping on toys, tearing up books, biting markers and pencils, hanging on doorknobs, tearing soft toys or toys in half.
‘Children are not innocent lambs. They become angry, vengeful, jealous, etc. and WILL very deliberately hurt someone,” she added.
In another post, she lambasted a teacher who criticized a colleague for banning children from class for “bad behavior.”
“I seriously doubt that your Evil Colleague is ‘out to get’ guys and ‘actively looking for ways to get them into trouble,'” she said.
“It sounds like she’s singling out kids because she has a backbone, especially when it comes to administration. Instead of hiring more one-on-ones or something that is actually helpful to the kids, the administrator dumps them on you for turning around.”
The tantrum post attracted thousands of comments.