I’m a pet expert – here are the five best dog breeds for first-time owners

An animal expert has rated the best dog breeds to consider when taking on a potential first-time dog owner.

TikTok user Elle, who works in the veterinary field, shared her thoughts on dog breeds, listing what she would recommend new owners look out for.

Having handled her fair share of dogs, Elle, who is from Maine, noted the breeds she would recommend.

Her TikTok, which was posted in 2022 but has since resurfaced, started with a Havanese: a small, plush-looking toy dog ​​with a round face and floppy ears known for their playful demeanor. happy

Pet expert Elle (pictured) shares her five favorite dog breeds for first-time dog owners

Pet expert Elle (pictured) shares her five favorite dog breeds for first-time dog owners

She loves the Havanese breed: a toy dog ​​that looks like a teddy bear, with a round face and floppy ears, known for their cheerful demeanor

She loves the Havanese breed: a toy dog ​​that looks like a teddy bear, with a round face and floppy ears, known for their cheerful demeanor

Dream dogs! The experts’ top five breeds for first-time owners

  • Havanese
  • Bernese mountain dog
  • Portuguese water dog
  • Springer spaniel
  • Rescue dogs

“They’re sweet,” suggests Elle. “They don’t spill, they’re just the best.”

According to Pet MD, Havanese are great family dogs and bond quickly with people. However, they can be a little needy and have separation anxiety if left alone for too long.

The other is the Bernese Mountain Dog, who Elle describes as ‘cheeky and goofy, gentle and loving.’

Pet MD praises the animals as great pets, but noted that they are predisposed to some health issues, saying owners may need to watch out for bowel, hip and elbow diseases, as well as some cancers that are inclined.

Next comes the Portuguese Water Dog, which is known to be spirited, athletic and intelligent.

“They are very good family dogs,” she explains. “They are very sweet, they are very smart.”

Elle’s next recommendation is a Springer Spaniel.

Elle says the dogs are ‘trainable, incredibly loyal, (and) just amazing dogs – I love them.’

She recommended Springer Spaniels, describing them as: trainable, incredibly loyal, (and) just wonderful dogs

She also recommended Bernese Mountain Dogs

Her next picks for potential dog owners were Springer Spaniels (left) and Bernese Mountain Dogs (right)

Her final recommendation was to go to a shelter and adopt a rescue dog that needed a home.

Her final recommendation was to go to a shelter and adopt a rescue dog that needed a home.

Finally, she went to separate him to choose from the group – rescue dogs.

“Some of the best dogs on this planet are the ones who have been given a second chance at life,” she explained.

“They love their owners unconditionally, and I highly recommend adopting a rescue dog,” she urged.

TikTok viewers weighed in with their thoughts on the races.

‘I love my rescue dogs. Thanks for putting them on your list!’ one user responded enthusiastically.

“I was skeptical until you got to number one,” beamed another.

My aunt has two Havanese. One of them is afraid of everything and both of them are very naked,” replied another suspicious TikTok user.

Elle has previously revealed the five dog breeds she would never own.

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1697042620 57 Im a pet expert here are the five best

TikTok users praised Elle's recommendations, saying they love their rescue dogs and wouldn't have it any other way

TikTok users praised Elle’s recommendations, saying they love their rescue dogs and wouldn’t have it any other way

“Coming to number five, we have huskies. They are escape artists. If you’re not willing to run seven miles a day with your dog – and it won’t even tire them out – don’t own a husky.’

Number four on the list is the ‘good old chihuahua’, 99 per cent of which are ‘demons’ according to the veterinary expert.

Her third dog to avoid owning is ‘any brachycephalic pet’ – meaning any breed with short noses or flat faces like pugs, French bulldogs or Boston terriers.

She said: ‘They literally can’t breathe, they can’t breathe and they have a lot of skin problems, but they are very sweet dogs.’

Number two on Elle’s countdown is one of the most unique breeds, the Great Dane.

She said, “Listen, they’re gentle giants, but they have very sensitive stomachs, and that dog is going to have diarrhea on your carpet at 3 in the morning and it’s going to be bigger than a horse can walk.”

Elle recently revealed that the number one dog to avoid is the Belgian Malinois.

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