I’m a mother of four and this is how I get my kids to fight – and it works every time

I’m a mother of four and this is how I get my kids to fight – and it works every time

A mother of four has revealed her “genius” tactics to keep her children from fighting each other.

Kellie Henry and husband Daniel, from the US, have been using their rule “for over a year now” and claim it works exceptionally well to avoid “annoying” bickering.

She uses the “Day of the Week” hack where children take turns assigning certain benefits and responsibilities.

‘We go from young to old, from Monday to Thursday. On their day they have extra responsibilities, but they also get special treatment,” Kellie said in a TikTok video.

Kellie Henry and husband Daniel, from the US, introduced the rule 12 months ago and say it has worked extremely well to avoid bickering between their children

Kellie said on the child’s “special” day that they have certain chores to do, such as emptying the dishwasher, taking out the trash and feeding the dog.

“If I need extra help that day, they should help me,” Kellie continued.

But on this day, the child knows that they will also receive “special treatment,” such as the opportunity to choose where to sit in the car, what to eat, or what the family watches on TV that night.

‘Whoever the day is – they win – they are the king or queen of the day. If there’s one cookie left, whose day is it? You get the cookie,” Kellie said.

“It’s just so much stress taken out of my mind and my kids aren’t fighting over it.”

The couple shares two daughters, 13 and 12, and two sons, nine and eight.

She explained the “Day of the Week” hack, which assigns one child to a day to ensure everyone has a turn to receive certain benefits while maintaining responsibilities

Kellie’s idea was an instant hit with other parents and the video was viewed over thousands of times.

‘Genius! No more fighting!’ one said, another said, “I have four too and this is going to save me stress…you have no idea what you’ve done for my family!”

It’s a good lesson too! Responsibility comes with certain privileges – privileges are earned. Good idea!’ added another.

Although one woman had a valid question and asked about the other days of the week.

‘This is amazing! but I’m curious how you make it fair on Friday, Saturday and Sunday?’ she wrote.

Many offered a possible explanation, one of which said, “Mom and Dad choose on those days.” The kids can’t control the house every day.’

Another suggested, “Mother’s Day.” Father’s Day. And a day off for everyone. If you are religious, that is the day of rest.’

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