I’m a holistic doctor who looks YEARS younger than I really am – here are the all-natural secrets behind my ageless appearance

A 49-year-old doctor who wowed fans with her youthful looks has taken a closer look at the natural and inexpensive anti-aging habits she practices on a daily basis.

Dr. Laura Koniver, a holistic doctor and author, has more than 100,000 followers on TikTok, where she shares health resources and advice.

The content creator, known as the “Intuition Physician,” was asked to share the secret behind her seemingly ageless look after revealing that she’s almost 50 years old.

In a recent video, she counted down her top seven “holistic anti-aging tips” and referenced several studies that supported her advice.

“Anti-aging is really just non-accelerated aging,” she explained in the caption.

Dr. Laura Koniver, 49, shared her top seven “holistic anti-aging tip” on TikTok

The content creator, known as the

The content creator, known as the

The content creator, known as the “Intuition Physician,” shared that she moves her body and gets sunlight every day

Move your body

Koniver recommends moving your body every day, preferably to the point where you become short of breath.

She explained that exercising will help you keep your muscle mass high, boost your resting metabolic rate and maintain your bone density as you age.

“You want your core and balance to be good so that your quality of life remains high as you age and you maintain your activities of daily living,” she added.

Koniver noted that if you can’t exercise daily, sweating in a sauna offers “similar longevity benefits.”

Get sunlight

Koniver recommends getting out in the sun every day, which may surprise some, as UV exposure causes visible signs of skin aging.

The doctor referred to a study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine in 2016, it indicated that avoiding the sun is just as dangerous as smoking.

The researchers studied nearly 30,000 Swedish women over 20 years and found that nonsmokers who avoided sun exposure had a life expectancy comparable to that of smokers in the group with the highest sun exposure.

Sunlight helps people make vitamin D in the skin, which is essential for healthy bones, teeth and muscles. It also has a powerful effect on the circadian clock, sleep and alertness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Koniver shared some of her favorite ways to protect her skin when she enjoys the sun on her website. She avoids peak sun hours, uses physically blocking non-nano sunscreen, and wears UV protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses.

Koniver is a leading expert on earthing, the practice of touching the earth.  She said it's her

Koniver is a leading expert on earthing, the practice of touching the earth. She said it’s her “very favorite holistic healing method.”

Koniver stays hydrated by drinking filtered water with added minerals, and she takes nearly a dozen supplements daily, including omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamin D

Koniver stays hydrated by drinking filtered water with added minerals, and she takes nearly a dozen supplements daily, including omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamin D

Koniver stays hydrated by drinking filtered water with added minerals, and she takes nearly a dozen supplements daily, including omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamin D

Practice grounding

Koniver is a proponent of grounding, which she describes as “just going out and touching the earth.”

She noted that people can get sunlight and ground themselves at the same time – her favorite holistic healing practice.

Some research suggests that grounding can boost circulation, support heart and lung functions, lower cortisol and inflammation, boost your metabolism, and deepen your sleep.

“All you have to do is touch the earth with your conductive body,” she explained, noting that people usually used their hands or feet.

Koniver added that ‘just 15 minutes a day makes a difference’.

Stay hydrated

Another tip from Koniver is to stay hydrated, which is linked to healthy aging.

She recommends filtering your water before drinking it, even if you have a well.

“Groundwater has measurable amounts of BPAs and antibiotics and pesticides and all sorts of other toxic things that you don’t want in there,” she explained. “So filter your drinking water.”

Koniver noted that she likes to add mineral drops to re-mineralize her filtered water.

The doctor said she also prioritizes sleep, citing a study published in Nature Cell Biology that found collagen repairs itself while we rest

The doctor said she also prioritizes sleep, citing a study published in Nature Cell Biology that found collagen repairs itself while we rest

Koniver's final piece of advice was to tune in to your creative side 'to let the energy flow through you'

Koniver’s final piece of advice was to tune in to your creative side ‘to let the energy flow through you’

Take supplements

Koniver shared that she takes nearly a dozen supplements that she says are “very important to support the aging process.”

“It’s nearly impossible to get adequate amounts of some of these nutrients through diet alone,” she explained.

The doctor rattled off a list of supplements she takes daily, including omega-3 fatty acids, glutathione, curcumin, magnesium, pomegranate, and vitamin D.

She also takes L-theanine, CBD oil, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and DopaPlus to help her relax and sleep.

Prioritize sleep

According to Koniver, there is such a thing as beauty sleep.

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“Anti-aging is really just non-accelerated aging,” says Koniver

The doctor referred to a study published in Nature cell biology that found collagen repairs itself while we sleep.

Collagen is a protein that serves as the primary building block of skin, but your body produces less of it as you age.

Your existing collage also breaks down more quickly as you age, according to the Cleveland clinic.

Koniver explained that poor sleep has been linked to mood disorders, accelerated aging and weight gain.

She recommended that problem sleepers try CBD oil, melatonin, L-theanine or light therapy to improve their sleep.

“If you’re grounding every day and moving your body and getting sunlight every day, like we said, that should really help with your sleep,” she added.

Feed your creativity

Koniver’s last piece of advice was to get to know your creative side.

She believes that we need to “express our energetic body” in the same way we need to move to keep our physical body in top condition.

“I really encourage you to have a way to create so that you have new energy flowing through your system,” she said. ‘For me it’s painting, [but] it doesn’t matter what it is to you.’

Koniver noted that you can do anything as long as you create something “that is independent of financial gain.”

This includes writing, sketching, journaling, photography, singing, cooking, sewing, dancing, or making art.

She concluded that you just need to create something “to let the energy flow through you.”