I’m a flight attendant of 10 years, here are the ultimate etiquette rules for flying

A 10-year-old flight attendant has revealed the best hacks you should know before hopping on a plane β€” including whether to skip the line when boarding and which drinks to avoid at all costs.

Rich Hendersonan expert in all things travel and co-creator of the blog Two boys in an airplanehas shared his best tips that will ease any pre-flying jitters and even get you an upgrade.

The Philadelphia-based airline flight attendant chose to keep his employer’s name private, but can still guarantee that his tips and tricks will give you the best flying experience of your life.

From what to do before boarding to how to handle disembarking, Rich has covered everything you need to know for your next vacation.

Rich Henderson, a 10-year-old flight attendant from Philadelphia, has revealed the best hacks you need to know before you get on a plane

Speaking to Business Insider, Rich revealed why cabin crew can't stand those crowding the gate, which he calls

Speaking to Business Insider, Rich revealed why cabin crew can’t stand those crowding the gate, which he calls “gate louse” (stock image)

Get ready, get ready, fly! Follow pre-flight etiquette and never crowd the gate or you’ll be ‘gate lice’

If you’ve been waiting to board your flight and see the other nearby crowding the gate even though there’s still plenty of time to board, you’re witnessing what Rich calls “gate lice.”

Speak against Business InsiderRich revealed why the cabin crew can’t stand ‘gate lice’.

And he even shared what you should do instead.

“Just stay as far away from the boarding area as possible until at least your group is about to be called,” he explained.

He added that if those “top tier” people aren’t boarding yet, there’s no reason to try to get closer to the gate.

And while no one likes “gate louse,” Rich described the types of people cabin crew hate even more.

He said those who skip the line and try to board a different group than they are assigned are often hated or ignored by cabin crew.

However, Rich said he doesn’t recommend figuring out which side you fall on.

“There are some gate agents who if you’re nice and just smile and pretend everything is normal they won’t care or they won’t notice you’re not in that assigned zone, but there are others who if you get caught they’ll kill you and they will shame you,” he told Business Insider.

“It’s notoriously gross!” Avoid the coffee and tea during the flight, but do purchase the snack boxes

Rich advised you not to drink hot drinks like tea or coffee because they are made with tap water from airplanes, which is

Rich advised you not to drink hot drinks like tea or coffee because they are made with tap water from airplanes, which is “gross” (stock image)

If you got through the hassle of getting in and finally settled into your seat but see a better place out of the corner of your eye and hope to upgrade Rich said you could ask to move but there’s a catch the grass.

The veteran flight attendant said the crew might let you move, but if people move between different cabins, they could get fired or get into serious trouble.

He explained that this is because airlines may view it as stealing.

He told Business Insider, “We can probably move you to an exit row or even a better row if space is available. The best tip for that is to be as nice and accommodating as possible to both crew and passengers and that can really go a long way.”

After you settled into your seat, Rich said you can chat with nearby passengers, but you shouldn’t chat for the entire flight.

And while your favorite part of the flight may be watching that snack cart drive off the island, the flight attendant told you to be careful.

He advised you not to drink hot drinks such as tea or coffee, as they are made with tap water from airplanes, which is “gross.”

Rich said the tap water is “notoriously dirty” and you “don’t want to know where it came from.”

And while a few drinks may be off limits, the flight attendant revealed that you can safely eat the food.

Rich explained that the snack boxes are usually fresh because they are delivered the same day by the catering company.

However, some planes don’t have refrigerators, so he advises ordering your food at the beginning of the trip rather than at the end.

Wait a second! The flight attendant recommends waiting until everyone has left to get your bags

After a long flight, the first thing you might want to do is get off the train first, but Rich recommends waiting (stock image)

After a long flight, the first thing you might want to do is get off the train first, but Rich recommends waiting (stock image)

After a long flight, the first thing you might want to do is get out first, but Rich recommends waiting.

He explained that you have to wait and then ‘swim upstream’.

β€œMy best recommendation is to just swim against the current as politely as possible. Usually once the crowd starts to fade you can sort of work your way through the lines and work your way back,” he added.

The flight attendant explained that he has seen an increase in the number of people tipping cabin crew since the pandemic.

He noted that while many flight attendants see it as a show of appreciation, others wonder if you want something in return.

Rich emphasized that you can’t bribe your way into a better cabin.

That’s one thing I can say about all flight attendants across the board. If we notice that you expect something from us for free, we probably won’t give it to you. But if you’re nice and don’t ask for anything, we’ll give you everything,” he revealed.

And while everyone loves candy as a token of appreciation, Rich revealed that flight attendants really just want a thank you at the end of the night.

β€œEven thank you so many times for keeping us safe, or thank you for everything you do. Those little comments go a long way because we have people coming in and out who won’t even acknowledge our existence.”