I’m a flight attendant – NOTHING irritates me more than this

I’m a flight attendant – NOTHING irritates me more than this

A former flight attendant has revealed the most annoying thing a passenger can do – and it may surprise you.

While cabin crew have a long list of frustrations to choose from, from long journeys to cramped workspaces, one thing annoys them more than anything

Kat Kamalani told her TikTok followers that there’s nothing more annoying than a passenger complaining about screaming kids.

The TikToker shared her thoughts with 9000 followers and reposted a video of an obnoxious passenger silencing a crying child.

According to Kat Kamalani, the most annoying thing a passenger can do is complain about a crying baby

She advised annoyed passengers to use noise-cancelling headphones and never ask for another seat

She advised annoyed passengers to use noise-cancelling headphones and never ask for another seat

She captioned the video, “What to do if a child screams on a plane. From an ex-stewardess.’

To put the minds of millions of concerned parents at ease, Kat posted on her TikTok, “I promise you there’s nothing that annoys us as flight attendants more than people complaining about babies crying.”

“So if you’re traveling, bring noise-cancelling headphones or ask the parent if he or she needs help.”

And those eager to get a free upgrade out of the situation should think again, she added: “Don’t even ask us to be moved to another seat because I promise you no one else wants that baby to stop.” cry, more than that parent. .

The popular video has been viewed nearly 4,000 times and TikTokers, in line with the ex-cabin crew member, responded to the comments.

One user commented, “Earplugs… they are a life saver in so many situations.

Another person added, “I would probably try to help the parent if I have the mother’s permission.”

The TikToker posted a video of an obnoxious passenger silencing a child for crying.  Instead of doing this, Kat advised her followers to ask if the parent needed help

The TikToker posted a video of an obnoxious passenger silencing a child for crying. Instead of doing this, Kat advised her followers to ask if the parent needed help

Meanwhile, someone said, “Babies can’t help it. It’s the grown babies who have tantrums, that’s irrational.’

Last month, another cabin crew member shared a similar opinion on TikTok.

He shared advice for nervous parents eager to bring their children on board, saying, “The first thing you need to do is accept that your baby can cry on the plane and that it is what it is.”

The flight attendant completely agreed with Kat, saying, “I’ve said it before, the only thing more annoying than a screaming, crying child on a plane is someone who won’t stop complaining about a screaming, crying child on a plane.” .’

Followers praised the flight attendant’s travel advice and many thanked him for the video.

Some parents offered their own advice, one saying: ‘Depending on the flight and the prices, I would either go first class or buy the seat next to me. I would have more room to move around to hold/nurse.”