I’m a dog expert and this is how long you can REALLY leave your pet alone – and it all comes down to a pet’s age and breed

An expert has revealed there are two qualities you should consider before leaving your dog alone for too long.

Lorna Winter, dog trainer and co-founder of puppy training app Zigzag, told DailyMail.com that it all depends on a pet’s age and breed.

She told DailyMail.com: ‘How long you can leave a puppy alone depends on its age and breed, as some are more prone to ‘separation anxiety’, an umbrella term used to describe the problems that dogs and puppies experience when left alone.

Winter explained that some breeds, such as Chihuahuas and daughters, are more likely to feel uncomfortable when their owners leave the house.

While young pups are not’pre-programmed to cope with being alone’ and are likely to lose their cool after just two hours, after five months, which more than doubles that time.

“Puppies depend on us to survive, so it makes sense that being without their beloved human companion can cause them anxiety,” Winters said.

Lorna Winter, dog trainer and co-founder of puppy training app Zigzag (Zigzag)

The symptoms of separation anxiety


Licking lips


Increased blinking


Pace and restlessness



To cry


Peeing or pooping

Winter told DailyMail.com: ‘Your puppy’s age is an indicator of how long you can leave him home alone.

‘For two-month-old puppies, you should avoid leaving them alone for more than an hour because they need you, not only to let them out to go to the toilet, but also because they have high emotional needs at this age .

Winter said you can risk up to two hours in three months.

Otherwise, your dog will leave puddles on the floor.

Winter said: ‘At four months, the time a puppy can be left home alone can match its age – so four hours.

‘After four hours your puppy will definitely need a toilet visit, so it’s best to keep it to three hours to be on the safe side. They’ll probably want some cuddles too.

“At five months they can hold their bladder for five hours,” Winter said. ‘At six months old, with proper home training, they can be alone for about six hours.

‘This timing is very important as puppies can only hold their bladder for so long before they need to ‘go in’, although it is important to remember that every puppy is different when it comes to how they will manage on their own.’

In addition to a puppy’s age, some breeds may be more prone to separation anxiety than others.

Here are the dog breeds that can and can’t handle being left alone.

Bad – Chihuahua

Chihuahua dogs are not good at being alone

Chihuahua dogs are not good at being alone

Winter said that despite being smart and having the largest brains (relative to their size) of any dog, they are often more prone to separation anxiety.

Consistent, early training on how to be home alone will be critical for these pups.

Tip: Making sure your puppy is well fed before leaving the house can help reduce anxiety levels.

You know how terrible this feeling is. Low blood sugar makes everyone irritable, so make sure they have a full belly!

Good – Chow-chow

Chow Chow dogs are actually quite self-reliant, Winter said

Chow Chow dogs are actually quite self-reliant, Winter said

Winter said, “Although they appear fluffy and cuddly, chow chows typically exhibit a reserved and self-reliant nature.

This trait makes them better suited to being left alone, as they do not need as much physical affection as other breeds.

‘Of course, this doesn’t mean you can leave your puppy alone for days, but this particular breed won’t be too bothered if you want to go out for dinner, as long as he’s learned how to be left home alone. .’

Bad – Dachshund

Dachshunds are prone to separation anxiety

Dachshunds are prone to separation anxiety

Winter said, “Although they are an independent dog and may seem like they don’t need you; they can suffer a lot from separation anxiety.

Following a consistent, structured plan for dealing with being home alone from an early age will help these pups.

Good – greyhound

Greyhounds like peace and quiet, Winter said

Greyhounds like peace and quiet, Winter said

Winter said: ‘If you choose a larger dog such as a greyhound, you might think that this breed has a lot of energy and requires a lot of attention.

‘Although it is crucial to walk your greyhound puppies daily and give them a chance to stretch their legs, greyhounds love to rest and relax on the sofa during the day; They might even like the peace and quiet of you!

Bad – Beagle

Beagles can misbehave if left alone, Winter warned

Beagles can misbehave if left alone, Winter warned

Winter said: ‘Beagles are eager to please, but they are not pre-programmed to know what is ‘good’ behavior and what is not, especially when it comes to being left home alone. It’s up to you to show your Beagle the ropes so that he becomes the polite and calm companion you hoped for.

‘Beagles have incredible noses, so before you leave your pup alone, you can tire out not only his body with a little walk, but also his mind by playing some scent games such as sniff mat or ‘find the treat’ to reduce any anxiety levels , and help them relax before you leave.”