I’m a doctor – these are my five tips to get a better night’s sleep (and it’s bad news if you’re wanting a lie-in…)

A good night’s sleep is essential to recharge your body and mind.

As many as one in three adults in the UK and US suffer from insomnia.

As a result, approximately millions of sleeping pills are prescribed each year in an effort to get better shut-eye.

However, there are plenty of natural ways to improve your sleep, experts say.

MailOnline asked Hampshire-based sleep expert and coach Dr Sophie Bostock to share her top tips for a good night’s sleep.

You don’t always have to resort to sleeping pills, there are many natural ways to improve your sleep. Dr. Sophie Bostock says relaxing and turning off technology before bed can help

Wake up at the same time every day, including weekends

It may seem like you’re catching up on some much-needed rest, but sleeping in for the weekend can leave you with less energy.

“Waking up at the same time every day anchors our body clocks to the same schedule, which helps the body work more efficiently and gives us more energy,” says Dr. Bostock.

If you crave a lie-in by the time the weekend hits, Dr. Bostock recommends that you may need more sleep during the week.

Adults should be getting around seven to nine hours of sleep a night, and those who are regularly tired during the day are probably not getting enough, the NHS says.

She said, “Sleeping in on the weekend can make it much harder to get out of bed on Monday morning.

“A mismatch between weekday and weekend sleep times is called “social jet lag” and has been linked to weight gain and diabetes.”

The phenomenon refers to the habit of having two separate sleep patterns, such as different bedtimes and wake-up times on weekends compared to weekdays.

Studies suggest that “social jet lag” increases the risk of heart disease, obesity and weight gain, as well as morning drowsiness, daytime sleepiness and difficulty falling asleep.

Get an early dose of daylight

Getting outside, especially early in the morning, can help you sleep better at night.

“It’s best to spend at least 10 minutes in the sun during the first hour of the day,” says Dr. Bostock.

That’s because natural daylight sends a strong signal to the biological clock that it’s time to be alert. It also works in reverse, with the dark signal telling you it’s time to sleep.

It can be more difficult to stick to this habit in the dark winter, so experts recommend using other sources, such as winter light alarm clocks and bright light boxes.

These artificial light doses “banish any residual melatonin — the sleep hormone — that can still make you sleepy in the morning,” says Dr. Bostock.

She added, “If you must be indoors, try to sit near a window and take a break outside if you can.”

Getting your daily dose of sunlight, especially in the morning, will help you sleep better at night, even if it's just for 10 minutes

Getting your daily dose of sunlight, especially in the morning, will help you sleep better at night, even if it’s just for 10 minutes

Move to feel tired

Exercise can perk you up in the morning and make you sleepier when it’s time for bed.

Staying active can also help reduce stress, a known cause of insomnia.

‘Physical activity is a powerful signal to the biological clock that it is daytime, which wakes the brain and body from sleep mode and makes you feel alert,’ says Dr Bostock.

She added, “Regular exercise also helps to reduce stress, improve your mood and build sleep pressure so you feel sleepy by nightfall.”

But a workout doesn’t have to be intense to provide benefits, as Dr. Bostock says tai chi and yoga improve sleep quality in people with insomnia.

Practice the skill of relaxation

The busier you are during the day, the harder it can be to relax and sleep.

That’s because the body releases adrenaline when it’s busy — known as an adrenaline rush or the body’s “fight or flight response” — which can provide an energy boost, Dr. Bostock says.

She said, “To get into deep sleep, you have to turn off the fight or flight stress response. If you’re a constant doer, your stress response can get stuck in the “on” position.”

When you're tired, you can lose the willpower to put your phone down and stop scrolling, says Dr. Bostock

When you’re tired, you can lose the willpower to put your phone down and stop scrolling, says Dr. Bostock

Dr. Bostock recommends taking simple relaxing breaks throughout the day to practice mindfulness, breathing techniques, take a walk, or listen to music.

She said, “The idea isn’t to sleep, but to remind your brain that it’s okay to do nothing at all. If you are adept at relaxing, you fall asleep more easily.’

Don’t rely on willpower when you’re tired – stick to the same daily routine

The brain finds familiarity relaxing, so relaxing in the same way every night can help you get some much-needed sleep.

But sitting on your phone and scrolling to midnight isn’t the answer.

“Parents lure their kids to bed at the same time every night with a familiar bedtime routine,” says Dr Bostock.

‘As adults we can learn from this; set a reminder an hour before you want to sleep,” she added.

This reminder is a signal to turn off the technology and get ready for bed.

She said, “The more tired you are, the more self-control goes out the window and the less likely you are to stop scrolling before midnight.”

Dr. Bostock added, “Try to wind down the same way every night, as familiarity is relaxing to the brain. Only when your eyelids are heavy do you turn off the light.’

Tips to fall asleep and sleep better

Due to insomnia, you regularly have trouble sleeping.  It can get better by changing your sleeping habits

Due to insomnia, you regularly have trouble sleeping. It can get better by changing your sleeping habits

One in three adults in the UK and nearly half of US adults suffer from insomnia, with millions more reporting sleepless nights.

Prolonged sleep deprivation can lead to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Insomnia can be caused by stress, anxiety, alcohol, caffeine or nicotine, noise, shift work and jet lag.

If you regularly have trouble sleeping, there are simple ways to improve your sleep hygiene.

Keep regular sleeping hours

  • Try to go to bed when you feel tired and get up at the same time every day.

Create a restful space

  • Dark, quiet and cool environments generally make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Get moving

  • Exercise is good for your physical health and your mind. It can also help you sleep better. Just don’t do vigorous exercise too close to your bedtime.

Don’t force it

  • If you find you can’t get to sleep, get up and do something relaxing. Then go back to bed when you feel more sleepy.

Write down your concerns

  • If you find that your worries are keeping you awake at night, try writing them down before you go to bed.

Lighten up the caffeine

  • Alcohol and caffeine can prevent you from falling asleep and sleeping deeply. Cutting back on caffeine just before bed and alcoholic drinks can help you taper off.

Source GGZ