I’m a dietitian – the signs that you’re drinking too much caffeine

Millions of us rely on a cup of coffee to give us a much-needed boost of energy in the morning.

But from your heart racing to the constant urge to urinate, your body can feel the effects of too much caffeine consumption.

Here nutritionists explain exactly what happens to your body when you drink too much coffee…

Whether tea, coffee or an energy drink, caffeine has the ability to increase mood, energy and performance, but can also cause anxiety, increased heart rate and higher blood pressure

Experts say drinking more than four cups of coffee can lead to unpleasant side effects from caffeine

high blood pressure

Drinking more than four cups of coffee per day can cause blood pressure to skyrocket.

That’s because caffeine provides a boost of energy by blocking adenosine receptors – the chemical responsible for feelings of sleepiness.

Like a lock and key, caffeine fits into the adenosine receptors, said Dr. Duane Mellor from Aston University.

However, the same mechanism is also thought to trigger a rise in blood pressure within half an hour of drinking coffee, tea or cola – and the effects are still visible around four hours later.

Dr. Mellor said: “This effect varies and may diminish over time in some people as caffeine’s ability to affect adenosine decreases with habitual consumption.”

What contains caffeine and how much is safe to drink?

  • Coffee, tea, cola and energy drinks contain a lot of caffeine.
  • Drinks containing caffeine are unsuitable for small children and young children
  • Pregnant women should not consume more than 200 mg of caffeine per day as high caffeine levels can lead to low birth weight of the baby
  • The NHS advises that more than 600mg of coffee a day (six cups) is too much and can lead to anxiety, insomnia and heart palpitations
  • One cup of instant coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine
  • Energy drinks can contain 80 mg of caffeine in a small 250 ml can. That’s equivalent to two cans of cola or a small cup of coffee
  • The NHS advises that tea and coffee are good to drink as part of a balanced diet
  • But caffeinated drinks can cause the body to produce urine more quickly

In addition to this temporary effect, the NHS warns that drinking four cups of coffee a day may increase your blood pressure in the long term.

Frequent trips to the toilet

Frequent urination can be another telltale sign that you are consuming too much caffeine.

The stimulant promotes blood flow to the kidneys and reduces the amount of water and sodium absorbed by the body, which increases the urge to urinate.

These frequent trips to the bathroom can cause dehydration, which can lead to headaches.

According to Dr. However, Mellor usually only experiences this side effect in people who increase their caffeine intake, rather than those who consume a consistent amount.

And if you only drink a few cups of coffee a day, you may not suffer from it at all.

Jennifer Low, a Kent-based nutritionist, said those who drink less than 6mg per kg of body weight per day have no effect on their urine output.

That’s around 510 mg of caffeine per day for an average man in the UK who weighs 85 kg, and 432 mg per day for an average woman who weighs 72 kg – the equivalent of five and four cups of coffee respectively.

stomach pain

You may experience stomach upset after drinking too many cups of coffee.

Coffee and tea consumption is linked to symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, abdominal pain and loose stools, Ms Low said.

But evidence that caffeine itself is the culprit is currently limited, she noted.

“Caffeine may have a smaller effect on the gut – it is often the effect of hot drinks that speed up the waves through our digestive tract,” said Dr. Mellor.

However, caffeine can increase the production of stomach acid, leading toReflux and heartburn,” he added. For some people it is accompanied by stomach pain.

Caffeine has also been shown to have a stimulating effect on the digestive system, which can lead to stomach upset.


Caffeine is a stimulant, so it’s not surprising that people feel jittery and restless after drinking a few too many cups of coffee or cans of energy drinks.

Even more than four cups of coffee a day are enough to cause nervousness, feelings of anxiety and an increased heart rate, experts say.

This is because caffeine increases the body’s heart rate and the amount of blood leaving the heart, which Dr. Mellor can lead to a racing heart in the organ.

It also increases brain activity, which can contribute to feelings of anxiety, he said.

In addition, it disrupts sleep, which can make it harder to control anxious feelings such as worry, anxiety and a sense of dread, warns the NHS.

Ms Low said: “Patients actually report an increased heart rate and in patients I see with eating disorders who often also suffer from anxiety, this increased heart rate can be attributed to anxiety which can then cause them to feel even more anxious feel more anxious.”

“For most of my patients, I recommend switching to decaffeinated.”

What are the benefits of quitting coffee?

Once you’ve experienced severe headaches, nausea, fatigue, and brain fog, you may be wondering what the benefits of quitting smoking are at all.

According to experts, better sleep, whiter teeth, lower blood pressure and reduced anxiety are among the long-term positive effects you can experience after quitting if you can tolerate the temporary side effects.

Kim Pearson, nutritionist at Harley Street, believes severe withdrawal symptoms could be a sign that you’ve consumed too much caffeine in the first place.

She said: “If you experience withdrawal symptoms, it’s a sign that you’ve consumed too much and become addicted to it.” Caffeine is a drug, after all.

“If you’ve consumed too much caffeine, it’s a good idea to stop taking it for a while or at least limit it.”

However, she adds that research has also shown that coffee consumption may help reduce the risk of certain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and certain types of cancer.

Ms Taylor, from the British Heart Foundation, explained that caffeine, when consumed in moderate amounts, was not bad for the heart.

She said: “Although it is often assumed that we should avoid coffee to protect our heart health, that is not necessarily the case.”

“For most healthy people, moderate caffeine intake should not be harmful to heart health, for example about four to five cups of tea or coffee a day.”

She added: “Coffee has been shown to increase blood pressure, but this effect is usually temporary and is minimized over time if you drink caffeinated drinks regularly.”

She added that if you’re concerned about your heart health, you should not only be wary of caffeine, but also sugary drinks.

She said: “If you want a healthy cup of coffee, avoid added syrups, sugar, cream or large lattes – they all add up in terms of sugar, calories and saturated fat.”

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