I’m a dentist – here’s how you’re brushing your teeth all wrong

It is a widely followed routine that is believed to be best for your teeth.

But brushing your teeth after eating your breakfast is wrong, dentists have revealed.

In fact, brushing your teeth before eating your first meal of the day actually protects them best.

From protecting the teeth from bacteria to fresh breath, brushing before breakfast is a must, according to Dr. Sam Jethwa, Vice President of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and Dr. Alan Clarke, Chief Dentist at Paste Dental Clinic in Belfast.

It’s a much-followed routine thought to be best for your teeth, but brushing your teeth after eating your breakfast is wrong, dentists have revealed (stock image)

Brushing first helps the body fight bacteria that have grown overnight.

Dr. Jethwa said that while you sleep, the bacteria in your mouth multiply and it is these bacteria that cause dental plaque.

When plaque builds up on your teeth, it eats away at the enamel, causing cavities and tooth decay, so preventing this is essential.

‘Brushing your teeth before breakfast not only helps remove this plaque buildup from your teeth, but it also gets your saliva production going,’ said Dr Jethwa.

“And saliva also helps kill bacteria in your mouth.”

Reduces the acidic effect of food on teeth

When you eat, the bacteria in your mouth break down the food and produce acid, says Dr. Clarke.

Eating breakfast and drinking coffee or fruit juice effectively feeds these bacteria with sugar, which forms an acid and can erode tooth enamel.

“Brushing before breakfast helps remove this bacteria and the acidic environment that can erode tooth enamel,” said Dr. Clarke.

He said that if you drink orange juice with breakfast and brush right after, you are actually brushing and flossing the acid from both the bacteria and the orange juice between your teeth.

This acid can weaken tooth enamel and cause tooth wear and sensitivity, so experts recommend waiting at least 30 minutes after eating to brush your teeth.

Dr. Jethwa said, “Brushing too soon after consuming these can further damage tooth enamel at a time when it is weak and fragile.”

Fresh breath

Morning breath is a frustration many people will have experienced.

And it’s caused by the bacteria that multiplied in your mouth overnight.

Saliva is responsible for washing away odor-causing particles, but saliva production decreases while you sleep with a dry mouth.

This results in a buildup of bacteria that gives off an unpleasant aroma.

Dr. Clarke said: ‘Brushing before breakfast can help prevent bad breath caused by bacteria in the mouth.

“This is especially important if you plan to socialize early in the day. Your partner will thank you.”

Better taste of food

If you’ve ever drank orange juice after brushing your teeth, you might disagree.

But some experts say brushing before breakfast can actually make your food taste better.

According to Dr. Clarke, this is because brushing helps remove residual flavors and bacteria from your mouth that can interfere with the taste of your breakfast.

But this is disputed, as other experts say surfactants (foaming agents) in toothpaste can suppress taste buds.

It’s suggested that these chemicals may make food taste bland because they suppress the receptors that pick up on sweet flavors in food, Colgate said.

They can also enhance bitter tastes, making acidic foods and drinks taste more intense, such as orange juice.

And since orange juice has a combination of sweet and bitter flavors, surfactants upset this balance.