I’m a dating expert and here are 3 things your boyfriend or girlfriend should NEVER say to you

I’m a dating expert and here are 3 things your boyfriend or girlfriend should NEVER say to you

A dating coach has revealed three things your boyfriend or girlfriend should never say in a relationship.

Jacob Lucas is a UK-based coach who has used his real-life methods to “help millions of people get the love life they’ve always wanted”

Not only does he work directly with clients, he also shares dating content on TikTok with his 750,000+ followers. He is also the author of the Her Dating Coach guide.

In a recent video on TikTok, he outlined three things partners should not say to each other, saying that if your partner does any of these things, they may not be a good person to be in a relationship with.

According to Jacob, people who use the tactics he highlights in his video may struggle to articulate themselves appropriately.

The dating coach (pictured) listed three things your boyfriend or girlfriend should never tell you when you’re in a relationship

In the video, he says, “I’m a professional dating coach, and here are three things your boyfriend or girlfriend should never say or do if they’re in a relationship with you.

“And if your partner does any of these things, then you might want to reconsider whether that’s the right person for you, because these are all big, big red flags.”

Starting with the first point, he says, “Number one, if they don’t get their way, they ghost you as a form of punishment.”

He continues, saying that someone who does this by ghosting you wants you to chase them so that “they feel superior to you and feel like they’re getting their way again.”

He added, “This also shows me that they don’t know how to articulate [themselves] in the right way.

“So the result is stupid tactics like ghosting their own boyfriend and girlfriend, and this isn’t the type of person you want to be in a relationship with.”

He continues with the next point: “Number two, when you have a fight with your boyfriend or girlfriend, instead of discussing it in a calm way, they always say they’re going to end the relationship when they actually have no intention of leaving you at all.”

“They’re trying to scare you into leaving you, so you become a lot more comfortable with whatever they say.”

Jacob (pictured) said threatening to leave when they don’t mean to is a toxic way some people argue

“If they want to leave you, whatever, but you shouldn’t see it as a means to win an argument.”

“This is really an immature, horrible tactic that your partner should never do to you.”

His final point is also unpleasant behavior that he says partners should never inflict on each other.

He explains, “Number three… is a terrible thing to do in a relationship.

And that always leads to a fight. It’s when they start negatively comparing you to other people – especially their exes.”

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