I’m a cleaner. This is the disgusting reality of how Aussie renters leave their homes – and the strange items I’ve found

I am a cleaner. This is the disgusting reality of how Australian renters leave their homes – and the strange items I found

  • Sydney Cleaner shared a video of a dirty house
  • Video shows piles of clothing, dishes and trash
  • Rental was new construction and tenants were the first to move into the house

A young cleaner has revealed the rotten state in which some Australian tenants leave their homes when their leases expire.

Charlotte Bosanquet, the 20-year-old founder of the small company Care Cleaning Services, shared a video of an end-of-tenancy cleaning last weekend.

The clip showed piles of trash, leftover toys, clothes, a dirty toilet, clumps of hair, plates filled with moldy food, toothbrushes and drawings all over the walls.

β€œThis is the reality of how some people leave their homes when they rent… we will focus on clearing absolutely everything from the property,” Ms Bosanquet said.

The video shows piles of trash, leftover toys, clothes, a dirty toilet, clumps of hair, plates filled with moldy food, toothbrushes and drawings all over the walls

The 20-year-old business owner shared a video on TikTok on Sunday with a walkthrough of an end-of-tenancy cleaning. The video shows piles of trash, leftover toys, clothes, a dirty toilet, clumps of hair, plates filled with moldy food, toothbrushes and drawings all over the walls

Ms Bosanquet said her first step in these scenarios was to remove all the rubbish from the house – which would take all weekend.

β€œWe decided to start upstairs and go room by room, so we just threw everything in a bag and took it down the stairs to the dumpster,” she said.

Mrs. Bosanquet made a shocking discovery of “unexpected goodies” while cleaning the kitchen and utility room: a pair of dentures.

The young cleaner said it was a brand new building and the tenants were the first to live in the rental property.

Many social media users are shocked by the state of the house.

‘These are absolutely not normal circumstances, who leaves so much stuff behind? all those toys and clothes,” one person wrote.

“I can’t believe people can leave it like this, my house is getting dirty and I’m getting stressed,” another commented.

Founder of Care Cleaning Services Sydney Charlotte Bosanquet said removing rubbish would take all weekend before she and her team of eight could start cleaning the house

Founder of Care Cleaning Services Sydney Charlotte Bosanquet said removing rubbish would take all weekend before she and her team of eight could start cleaning the house

‘What!!! I left my house spotless except I forgot to wipe down a ceiling fan and because of that I didn’t get my entire deposit back,” said a third.

A fourth person added: ‘Great work team. but wow!!! how do people live like that.’

Ms Bosanquet revealed that her company made $3,745 in one week in February – and made $630 in one day during a 10am to 3pm shift.

She explained that the cleaning service was carried out by her and eight of her employees.