I’m a 7 year old pageant queen, I have a six pack because I work out at the gym and eat healthy

A seven-year-old beauty queen who exercises several times a week and eats ‘healthy’ has developed a stunning six-pack.

Angel Heiman of Los Angeles said she first noticed her pageant-winning daughter, Kynlee, growing abs when she was just three years old.

The athletics toddler had been competing since she was two, before her mother decided to put her up for gymnastics – after which rigorous training left her increasingly thin and shredded.

To stay in top shape, Kynlee also follows a strict diet, with only room for a few ‘treats’ every now and then.

Still, Angel thinks muscular bodies run in the family.

“She works hard for it, but I think it also has to do with genetics as three of my other children are also muscular,” she said.

Seven-year-old beauty queen Kynlee Heiman has already developed a breathtaking six-pack

Angel Heiman of Los Angeles said she first noticed her pageant-winning daughter had abs when she was just three years old

The athletics toddler has been participating in and winning competitions since he was two years old

She later introduced her to gymnastics, after which she became increasingly thin and shredded through rigorous training

“Kynlee and one of her brothers are always competing to see who has the best abs.

“She loves them and is proud of how toned she is. She does a lot of abdominal exercises to keep them prominent.’

Angel entered Kynlee into her first beauty pageant at the age of two and could immediately tell that her daughter was a natural performer, even with very little training.

Angel also ran a cheer gym and quickly noticed how easily Kynlee picked up cheer routines just by watching and copying her mother.

Later, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, Angel used the extra time to teach her daughter more routines, and soon the pair were regularly exercising together at home using gymnastics equipment.

The more Kynlee learned, the more she fell in love with gymnastics and decided that one day she would take her skills to the Olympics.

By the time she turned five, she joined a gym where she could train properly and perfect her skills.

She now trains about four times a week, but sometimes also trains at home with her mother because that is more convenient.

Kynlee works out several times a week and eats a “healthy” diet to maintain the chiseled look

To stay in top shape, Kynlee also follows a strict diet, with only room for a few ‘treats’ every now and then.

Angel thinks muscular bodies run in the family as Angel’s brother (pictured) also looks muscular

By the time Kynlee turned five, she joined a gym where she could train properly and perfect her skills

Angel revealed that Kynlee loves dressing in glamorous outfits, and even went to a nail salon for the first time when she was just two years old

Angel has witnessed her daughter’s hard work ethic firsthand and says she isn’t the least bit surprised by how muscular Kynlee has become.

She said: ‘She works so hard for this and is proud of how strong she is. She inspires so many people.

‘Kynlee is so small but so strong. I recently slept next to her in a hotel, and it was like sleeping next to a small brick. She’s solid’.

Angel said it felt good to see Kynlee so happy, performing naturally and making everyone else around her happy while she did it.

Describing her daughter’s bubbly personality, she added that she is over-the-top, but not in an unpleasant way, and that she always notices the needs of others.

She revealed that Kynlee loves dressing in glamorous outfits, and even went to a nail salon for the first time when she was just two years old.

Kynlee is now way beyond her mother when it comes to beauty skills and can create a full face of makeup that most adults would envy.

Angel described her daughter as “bubbly” and a bit exaggerated, but not in an unpleasant way

Angel has witnessed her daughter’s hard work ethic firsthand and says she isn’t the least bit surprised by how muscular Kynlee has become

Kynlee trains about four times a week, but she also sometimes trains at home with her mother because that is more convenient

The more Kynlee learned, the more she fell in love with gymnastics and decided that one day she would take her skills to the Olympics.

Angel described her daughter as lively and bubbly. Angel works hard to make sure trolling comments on social media don’t get her down

Angel documents her daughter’s exciting life on social media, which has more often than not drawn negative comments from trolls.

She said: ‘I don’t want to look back and think I had to hide my child because other people couldn’t handle the way she looked.

‘She sometimes gets negative comments about her six-pack on social media, but I delete them or just ignore them.

‘I don’t want to look back and think I had to hide my child because other people couldn’t handle her. She is an inspiration.

‘I don’t regret sharing photos of her abs, but sometimes I don’t want to hear other people’s opinions about them.

‘She trains hard and is strong, what should I do about it?’

The super strong seven-year-old eats a very healthy diet, which Angel insists she ‘loves’.

“She also eats very healthily, which she enjoys doing,” Angel said.

‘But she also likes cookies. She’s so active all the time, it doesn’t matter if she has treats.”

Looking ahead to Kynlee’s bright future, she added: ‘Kynlee can’t wait to compete in gymnastics competitions now that she’s old enough.

“She’s still very focused on becoming an Olympic gymnast one day, and a famous actress when she’s older.”

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