I’m 70 but strangers think I’m 50 and three key beauty tricks keep me looking young – including a product that’s less than £10

A 70-year-old woman has revealed the top three things that help her look younger, including a beauty product that costs less than £10.

US-based lifestyle influencer Brittany Allyn, 36, took to it TikTok to introduce her youthful aunt to her fans, and to share her top three “anti-aging secrets.”

While the pair were having lunch, her relative delighted viewers by revealing her “simple” routine, which includes not stretching her skin, avoiding makeup wipes, and applying retinol lotion to her skin twice a day.

She said that “living a little” and indulging in her favorite foods from time to time kept her looking youthful, so youthful that strangers thought she looked fifty.

“Number one, first, I never stretch my skin,” she began.

A 70-year-old woman (pictured) has revealed three tips for looking younger, including a beauty product that costs less than £10

“Think of old leather shoes, how they stretch. Your skin too: it’s leather. Always blot it with a towel. Never use make-up wipes to wipe off your make-up.”

She brings her fingers to her under eyes in a sweeping motion, demonstrating how not to wipe off your makeup.

“Number two, I only wash my face at night and I use my fingertips really gently and splash the water on it and then blot it off with a towel,” she continues.

The next step requires retinol lotion, a vitamin A-based beauty product used to treat acne and anti-aging, which costs as little as £7 at some UK supermarkets.

She added, “Then I put on retinol lotion. I dab it on my eyes, I put it on my forehead, and my cheeks, my neck and my chest – and then you know what I’ll do a second time.’

“And if I think I have to put it on my mouth and eyes for the third time, I will.”

Brittany’s aunt continues dieting and exercise, advising the public to stay “height-weight proportionate” and “eat healthy.”

She also cheers up when she says you can enjoy your favorite foods to which she says ‘go for it’ because ‘life is for enjoying’.

US-based lifestyle influencer Brittany Allyn (pictured), 36, took to TikTok to introduce her aunt to her fans and share her top three ‘anti-aging secrets’

Her reveal ended with the words ‘good luck’ and was well received by viewers, with 659 comments and almost half a million views to date.

While many estimated that the unnamed woman was 50 years old, others were surprised by her charming appearance and called it “phenomenal.”

Someone else said, “I’m sorry, did you say 70?!!! Astonishing’

“I’m changing my whole life now, bye, she’s beautiful,” said another.

Adding to her tips, one person wrote, “Don’t stretch the skin” is so important!! Also, don’t touch the area around the eyes, because it’s so thin!’

Given how youthful her niece looked, many blame it on “genetics.”

Unconvinced, another wrote, “Don’t forget the Botox.”

Last year, Brittany — a tech marketer turned content creator — made headlines after she decided to freeze her eggs and document the journey on TikTok.

Egg freezing, also known as egg cryopreservation, involves harvesting and freezing a woman’s eggs so she can attempt pregnancy at a later date through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Brittany, who left for London for the procedure, told Buzz feed it was a “form of insurance for having a baby down the road.”

She added: “I think it’s a special opportunity that our generation has that allows us to regain some control over our fertility.

“I think I can have a child naturally at 40, but in my early 40s I may need help if I decide to have a second one.”

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