Ilhan Omar calls out UCLA chancellor for committing ‘violence’ by allowing pro- and anti-Israel rioters to clash and release rats in Gaza alliance camp

Rep. Ilhan Omar attacked UCLA Chancellor Gene Block for “allowing” a violent clash between pro- and anti-Israel protesters on campus, where they say rats were released into their pro-Gaza encampment.

“You could have prevented this by protecting these students’ right to assemble,” Omar said.

She continued:

‘You could have prevented this when you heard that rats had been released into the camp. You could have prevented this when an anonymous group funded and created a giant video with speakers to play disgusting and disturbing images.”

The pro-Israeli camp set up screens outside the pro-Gaza camp to play footage of the October 7 Hamas attack.

Rep. Ilhan Omar attacked UCLA Chancellor Gene Block for “allowing” a violent clash between pro- and anti-Israel protesters on campus where they say rats were released into their pro-Gaza encampment

An anti-Israel protester told CNN that in an April 30 encampment at UCLA, “Zionist thugs” made rape and death threats and released rats into their demonstration.

“We have warned the university about the threats of rape, death threats against our students, physical intimidation, the release of rats on our compound by Zionists during the night,” said the student, “camp media liaison” and doctor of political science. student Vincent Doehr said.

“Every night, Zionists have come to harass the camp, harassing students who are trying to peacefully call for the divestment of UC endowments from companies that profit from Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians. We saw Zionists take our barricades and try to tear them down. Zionists attacked the majority of the students in the encampment and the police the university hired, the private security guards, stared and watched as this happened,” Doehr added.

Dr.  Gene Block, Chancellor of the University of California, Los Angeles arrives at a hearing called 'Call for Accountability: Stop Anti-Semitic College Chaos'

Dr. Gene Block, Chancellor of the University of California, Los Angeles arrives at a hearing called ‘Call for Accountability: Stop Anti-Semitic College Chaos’

A general view shows the pro-Palestinian protest camp at UCLA on May 1, 2024

A general view shows the pro-Palestinian protest camp at UCLA on May 1, 2024

California Highway Patrol officers detain protesters as they clear a pro-Palestinian encampment after dispersal orders were issued on the UCLA campus on May 2, 2024

California Highway Patrol officers detain protesters as they clear a pro-Palestinian encampment after dispersal orders were issued on the UCLA campus on May 2, 2024

LAPD officers stand guard near a pro-Palestinian encampment after a dispersal order was issued on the UCLA campus on May 1, 2024

LAPD officers stand guard near a pro-Palestinian encampment after a dispersal order was issued on the UCLA campus on May 1, 2024

At the height of the pro-Gaza camps that sprung up at universities across the country, about a hundred pro-Israel counter-protesters showed up for a pro-Palestinian demonstration and clashed for about three hours before police intervened.

“How did you fail these students at many crucial points where you could have intervened? she asked.

“I reject the premise,” Block said. She interrupted him again before he could finish his answer.

Omar insisted that Block was “responsible” for the violence.

‘Because of your inaction, they acted as intended and brutally attacked students. You were responsible for this.’

Block responded, “LAPD is trying to identify the people who were the attackers that night…” “It’s been over a month!” Omar interrupted him.

Omar has attended Palestinian demonstrations at the university in support and her daughter was arrested at Columbia University – where the encampments began.

At another point during the hearing, Rep. Glenn Grothman, R-Wis., hammered Rutgers University President Jonathan Holloway over an agreement he made with protesters to provide space for 10 displaced Palestinians at the university. The congressman asked Holloway if he thought this would violate anti-discrimination law.

“We have existing programs to support refugee students and scholars and we would like to lean on those programs,” Holloway said. “We don’t actually believe in quotas, sir.”

Grothman said the deal seemingly rewarded Palestinians for the “problems they cause and the hatred they encourage.”

“The Palestinians could not have taken a more bizarre position on this whole situation in Gaza,” Grothman said. “Their small ethnic group here is rewarded with 10 places.”

‘I’m sure there are all kinds of foreigners around the world who would be happy with those ten places. Do you think that’s wise?’ the Wisconsin Republican continued. “As a reward for this support for Hamas?”

Holloway reiterated that they have many programs to support refugees.

Democratic Rep. Haley Stevens, meanwhile, blasted Republicans for “pretending” to care about equality and for holding three hearings on anti-Semitism in recent months, and none on college costs.

“We have countless problems before us in this country, and frankly those who pretend to care about equality, as we have seen time and time again in this committee, are a disgrace. It’s an absolute shame,” Stevens said.

She continued, “We know what it costs to attend your schools. It’s unbelievable how much it costs. That’s what we need to focus on, not this so-called equality argument.”

And at another point Thursday, all three university presidents were unable to say during a hearing on Capitol Hill who was funding pro-Gaza camps on their campuses.

“Who is behind these encampments?” Rep. Brandon Smith, R.N.Y., asked. “Which groups, faculties, maybe departments, student organizations, who are behind these encampments?”

“I don’t know,” said Michael Schill, president of Northwestern University.

“There are a lot of outside organizations involved,” Holloway said. “I can’t tell you which organizations.”

“I’m not sure,” Block said.