If you have sex before going to bed, you shorten the time you fall asleep by a fifth, research shows

Having sex before bed shortens the time it takes to fall asleep by a fifth (but masturbating does NOT work!)

Sex can do wonders for a shaky relationship, but it can also be the key to a good night’s sleep.

A study in the Netherlands found that intercourse before bed reduced the time it took men and women to fall asleep by a fifth and improved sleep quality.

But this was only the case if someone experienced an orgasm, which made men more likely to reap the rewards of pre-bed sex.

Unfortunately for women and singles, the study suggested that ejaculation through masturbation had no impact on sleep.

Endorphins released during sex may have a relaxing effect that can help a person fall asleep faster, scientists say.

Orgasms before bed, either with a partner or alone, can help you fall asleep faster and feel more rested the next day, scientists say (stock image)

For the study, researchers from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands recruited students around 22 years old.

Each was asked to complete a survey that assessed how long it took them to fall asleep – or sleep latency – and how rested they felt right after waking up.

The survey also asked them about their sexual activity and masturbation during the 24 hours before going to bed and whether or not they had an orgasm.

They were also asked about their alcohol consumption – which can affect sleep – and asked whether or not they suffered from insomnia.

They excluded participants who used antidepressants or hard drugs such as cocaine, MDMA or magic mushrooms.

The results showed that participants who had sex and had an orgasm took an average of about 16 minutes to fall asleep.

By comparison, those who went to bed normally took 21 minutes to fall asleep — that was five minutes, or 23 percent, longer.

Participants who said they masturbated took an average of 26 minutes to fall asleep, or 20 minutes if it led to orgasm.

But this was similar to nights when there was no sexual activity, when it took them an average of 21 minutes to fall asleep.

Researchers also found that participants who had sex and had an orgasm were more likely to report higher quality sleep.

However, this was not the case for those who masturbated or masturbated and had an orgasm, with no difference in sleep quality between them and those who went to bed normally.

The scientists suggested that the sleep benefits may only apply to people who had an orgasm because of spikes in hormone levels.

Studies have shown that after orgasm during partnered sex, levels of the hormone prolactin — linked to sleep — rise by up to 400 percent.

This research was published this year in the Sleep research journal.

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