I went to move into my new NYC apartment and found it filled with GARBAGE

A woman has revealed her shock after discovering her new New York City apartment was filthy and full of rubbish just before she was due to move in.

Shanna Yeh, 23, went viral on TikTok after explaining how her moving day turned into a nightmare. She said she had to pay $250 to move her and was almost temporarily homeless.

The content creator filmed the video in her old bedroom on October 1, the day she was supposed to move into her new apartment.

“This must be a joke,” she wrote in the text on the screen. “New York is not for the weak.”

Shanna Yeh, 23, went viral on TikTok after explaining how her moving day turned into a nightmare. She said her apartment was full of trash when she arrived

The content creator said she stopped by the apartment a few hours before her movers were scheduled to arrive and found piles of trash bags and furniture blocking the doorway.

Yeh explained that the management company told her the key would be left in the unlocked unit on the day she moved in.

A few hours before the movers were due to arrive, she walked over to her new apartment to check it out.

“I’m so excited to see the apartment empty, to see it all clean, and this is what I find,” she said, sharing a photo of the pile of trash bags blocking her front door.

“These are all garbage bags full of who knows what and furniture in the way,” she explained. “I had to jump over these garbage bags to get to the door.

“I thought, ‘How the heck are my movers going to carry my bed frame, my mattress, and (and) my desk up the stairs to the apartment with all this stuff in the way?’

Yeh said she still hoped the apartment itself was “empty and spotless.” She figured she could drag the bags to the department, out of the way of the movers, and then have the management company pick them up.

But when she went to open the door, she found it locked. She said she called management several times to no avail.

Cleaners came while she waited, and she explained that the door was locked.

Yeh was still optimistic that the unit would be ready for her arrival, but she was dismayed to discover that the inside was just as filthy as the outside.

Yes, she had to pay $250 to reschedule her movers and was almost temporarily homeless

The video has been viewed more than 513,000 times and received almost 150 comments since it was posted

“The man says, ‘I’ll open it.’ I thought, “Oh slay, he has the key I was looking for,” she recalled. “No, he literally uses a screwdriver and a credit card and blocks the door. Love that.’

Yeh was still optimistic that the unit would be ready for her arrival, but she was dismayed to discover that the inside was just as filthy as the outside.

“It’s so dirty and full of more furniture,” she said. ‘The fridge was full of food, the kitchen cupboards were full of stuff and the cleaners said, ‘Uh…’

An hour before the movers were scheduled to arrive, she realized there was no way she would be able to move into her new apartment that day.

“So guess who had to pay $250 to reschedule the movers,” she said. “Thank God I can stay in my current apartment one more night.”

Yeh never explained how or when she moved into her new apartment, but she documented the move in a follow-up video posted a few days later.

The movers managed to get all her belongings into the unit, which was finally cleared out

Yeh smiled as she posed in her new bedroom at the end of the clip

Yeh hoped the apartment would be clean and empty by the time she moved in the next morning.

“It was a great morning, a great first of the month – I don’t know what this means for my next year here,” she concluded.

Yeh’s video has been viewed more than 513,000 times and received nearly 150 comments since it was posted.

“The new location must pay the $250 fee and any other costs incurred. And rent should be withheld for every day you don’t move into a clean apartment,” one person responded.

“Sounds like someone just got evicted from the apartment you’re moving into,” someone else concluded.

“This is so New York,” another added.

Yeh never explained how or when she moved into her new apartment, but she documented the move in a follow-up video posted a few days later.

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