I went on three dates with a man – then he DUMPED ME and told me to go to the gym because I wasn’t fit enough for him

You have to kiss a few frogs to find a prince, but this one asked a woman to go to the gym before he commits.

In a more than two-minute clip, a woman, who did not reveal her name, explained that she had been on three dates with a man when he sent her a shocking message addressing some of the issues he was having. .

“Today I got a crazy text from a guy I went on three Hinge dates with,” she began.

She then shared a lengthy text as her friend read it out loud for the video.

“I especially want to preface by saying how much I've enjoyed talking to you and seeing you these past few weeks,” the message began.

A woman (pictured center) had been on three dates with the man when he sent her a message telling her that he wasn't that physically attracted to her

She shared the text message in a video on social media and said he enjoys spending time with her – with one caveat

He added that he finds the woman “gorgeous and beautiful” and wants to stare at her smile all day. He then described her as “completely goofy” and not taking herself “too seriously.”

“You are so caring and have a lot of love and energy to give, and I see that every day,” he continued.

“I immediately saw that we had similarities and I love how you pointed out that your parents are so in love and it seems like you wanted to have the same kind of love that they do.”

But that's where the pleasantries stopped and the man revealed his true feelings, saying it was “hard to have a really good physical connection” that “goes with everything else.”

“I know that sounds horrible to say [but] I have to be honest because my life revolves around staying fit,” the shocking message read.

“That's just who I am and something I've been thinking about since Friday, and the right way to say this and the right way to say this that makes you understand how much I appreciate you.

“I don't even want to say this and I'm scared to send it because I really don't want you out of my life, but this just isn't the right time.

“With that said, I would love it if you could get in touch at some point in the future and I could very easily see if you'll be grinding harder in the future for six months or a year or whatever it is. I honestly think I'd marry you .'

However, the pleasantries stopped and the man revealed his true feelings, saying it was “hard to have a really good physical connection” that “goes with everything else.”

The woman read the message again with her friends, who were all hysterical about the message

The woman and her friend burst out laughing when the message ended.

“I cried a lot after I got this, being told by this man that I'm too fat,” she admitted.

“So I'm going to lose 20 pounds and I'm going to see him and we're going to get married,” she joked, laughing.

She then said that she had not planned to respond to the text, but had brainstormed some ideas with her friends.

“We wanted to say, 'If you paid for the liposuction, could we get married faster?'” she added sarcastically.

The shocking story was shared on an unknown account before being reposted on X, formerly known as Twitter.

The video was first posted on View the Catch Up pagebut was reposted by a journalist Ian Miles Cheongwhere it was viewed more than 4.5 million times.

“A woman receives a text from a man she has been on three dates with saying she is overweight but he would like her to come back after six months of grinding at the gym,” he captioned the message , which generated thousands of responses.

There were mixed reactions to the video, with some saying there's nothing wrong with setting standards in dating

Some users agreed with the man and wrote that there is nothing wrong with him setting standards for what he looks for in a partner.

“What's wrong with a guy who has standards,” someone replied bluntly.

'Everyone here knows that we have a standard that we expect from our (future) husband. For him, weight is a significant thing. He is not on the wrong point,” they wrote.

“I'm terrible with people and I wouldn't even have worded it that way. Although I can understand feeling a connection with someone but I can't get over the physical aspect because he doesn't take care of himself. At least he's honest,” someone else wrote.

Others were shocked by the text message.

“Everything sounded very polite and empathetic until he said, 'Give me a break for six months and call me back,'” one user wrote.

'Honesty is the best policy. But. He's wrong about this,” another agreed.

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