I was MICROCHIPPED at birth by my uncle who’s a veterinarian – I feel violated by my mom’s decision


A teenage Reddit user claims that her overprotective mother implanted a microchip in her like a pet when she was a child.

One commenter suggested that she sue Black Mirror showrunner Charlie Brooker for stealing her life story in the episode “Arkangel,” about an overprotective mother who tracks down her daughter with an implanted device.

‘I’m a tolerant person. “More tolerant than a lot of people,” the 17-year-old wrote in a thread on r/AMA (Ask Me Anything), where users invite others to ask them questions.

“And even I am very upset with my mother’s decision.”

As of the publication of this article, the post Nearly 300 comments have accumulated. Reddit does not verify user accounts, but the original poster identified herself as a 17-year-old female.

The teenager claimed her uncle, a vet, used a chip implanted under the skin between her shoulder blades when she was a child. This is the same location where veterinarians usually pet dogs and cats.

The chip this teen had inserted between her shoulder blades was almost certainly too small to contain a GPS tracker

“I think my mom wanted as much insurance as possible, and this was one of the most obvious options for her,” she wrote.

According to the original poster, her mother’s reasoning was that if her child got lost, police could scan the chip for the parents’ contact information.

DailyMail.com has reached out to try to verify the story and will update this article with any new information.

The teenager said she does not remember implanting the chip, but it appears in her medical records.

Many users pointed out that unless the authorities knew they had the chip, few people would consider scanning a child for a microchip. “It’s a bit irrational in my opinion,” she told commenters.

“It contains basic information but I don’t know exactly how much of it.”

She added that, as far as she knew, the chip only contained her name and the names of her parents, and the information on the chip had not been updated since it was inserted.

She claimed she was never examined to see.

Veterinary microchips are about the size of a grain of rice, and usually only contain a serial number that can be looked up in a database to get more information about the owner, such as phone number and address.

Most companies that sell chips charge recurring fees to keep this information in their database.

But even if the chip owner hasn’t updated the subscription, basic information like their name should be easy to access if the person scans the chip.

One commenter pointed out that while the original poster was a baby, pediatric microchips had just become just a baby Hot topic In the news.

Many users have noted safety concerns if a nefarious stranger scans the chip. But since there is little information it contains, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to get much use out of it. Fortunately, this microchip cannot contain a GPS tracker.

Many users pointed out that this choice represented a potential violation of her bodily autonomy, even as a child.

She agreed and said she felt like it was a violation, but she wasn’t “obsessed with him or anything.” It’s just kind of mild hatred.

However, she admitted that the chip makes her feel different.

“It makes me feel kind of ‘other’ from other people, and I also find it kind of funny when I see people’s conspiracies about microchips.”

The Redditor did not specify its country of origin, but it is illegal in most countries for veterinarians to treat humans. In New York, for example, Legal definition of veterinary practice “It includes every living creature except humans.” This definition is consistent across US states.

While some companies have developed chips that people can use to store small amounts of data or open doors, veterinary microchips have not been licensed by food and drug regulators for human use.

In emergency situations, so-called Good Samaritan laws can protect veterinarians who provide first aid to an injured person. But this case clearly falls outside that scope.

She added that she had no plans to contact police or alert veterinary regulatory bodies. The teen said she didn’t want her uncle’s license revoked.

A small chip the size of a grain of rice can be inserted under the skin so that the vet can examine the animal and find out who it belongs to.  But vets aren't supposed to treat people

A small chip the size of a grain of rice can be inserted under the skin so that the vet can examine the animal and find out who it belongs to. But vets aren’t supposed to treat people

In addition to her complicated feelings about her mother’s choice, other children made fun of her because of it. “I was bullied a lot for this when I was very young,” she wrote.

Some commenters wondered whether the chip could cause problems during medical imaging, as pinholes and other metal implants can be dislodged or pulled by the powerful magnets in the MRI machine. A veterinary professor said the small device should not cause any problems.

They said: “Not (the original poster) but the veterinary professor, yes it shows up on x-rays and it will not affect an MRI or any other imaging (obviously) animals get it all the time.”

After reading all the comments on her post, the original poster said it was likely the slide would be removed at some point. “I will definitely talk to my doctor about it.”

She also noted that she would likely have a “heightened sense of sadistic pleasure” when she turned 18 and got rid of the GPS tracker her mother put in her car. “I love my mother despite her faults, but she doesn’t make it easy.”

The use of microchips in children is no longer in the news like it was 16 years ago, but Chinese authorities announced in 2018 that school children would be monitored using the chips. Sewn into their uniforms. As the 2023 Christmas season approaches, many technology companies are announcing smart watch-type devices Track your children via GPS.

(Tags for translation)dailymail