I was called ‘the fat pig’ growing up on an Aussie farm. But I transformed myself and lost 115kg – and now the boys who taunted me at school are sliding into my DMs. Here’s how I did it

A rising OnlyFans star who was cruelly called a ‘fat pig’ when she was an overweight teen has revealed how losing 115kg changed her life.

Her glow even caught the attention of the guys who taunted her in high school — and now some of those men are paying to see her adult content.

Speaking to Daily Mail Australia, Kikii, now 37, said she finally feels comfortable in her body after tipping the scales at a whopping 178 kg (392 lbs or 28st) at the age of 17.

Now she can finally enjoy some ‘golden years’ in a healthy body – and make a lot of money showing off her enviable figure.

A shy teenager who grew up on a farm in northeastern Victoria, Australia, Kikii was constantly ridiculed by her peers before a bad dream kickstarted her weight loss journey.

“When I was 17, I dreamed that I was 40 years old, sitting in a chair in the living room, and that I was twice my height,” she said.

“I thought to myself, ‘I will never lose weight, I will have wasted my life,’ and that was my turning point.

“I had the epiphany that I had one life and could take two paths: I could continue this path, or change it and take a chance at life.”

A rising OnlyFans star who was cruelly called a ‘fat pig’ when she was an overweight teen (pictured in a school photo) has revealed how losing 115kg changed her life

Now that she’s 37 and looking amazing, Kikii’s glow even caught the attention of the guys who taunted her in high school — and some of those men even pay to see her adult content

Kikii said it wasn’t easy to lose weight, but she was determined.

‘In the early 2000s I was seventeen years old. At the time, there was no information about diet or exercise, so I just started restricting what I knew wasn’t good for me.

“I just took it one day at a time and forced myself to be consistent.”

She used books as weights, cut down on junk food, and started walking everywhere: at school during her lunch break and in the pastures on her family’s property.

After tipping the scales at 178 kg at the age of 17, Kikii vowed to lose weight – but the results didn’t come overnight: It took her the better part of six years to lose 115 kg (253 lbs). ) to fall off.

But the results didn’t come overnight: It took Kikii the better part of six years to lose 115 kg (253 lbs or 18th).

However, another challenge presented itself in the form of loose skin hanging from her arms, legs, back and stomach.

She decided to have it surgically removed after being constantly reminded of the person she used to be every time she looked in the mirror.

“All I wanted was to feel comfortable without wearing (shapewear brand) Spanx,” she said.

“I lived in Spanx; I had to wear two pairs every day.’

Kikii underwent three rounds of surgery, costing her more than AU$100,000 (US$65,000). She also had her breasts done as a “little gift” to herself.

During one of the surgeries, she lay flat for three minutes after having an allergic reaction to a muscle relaxant used in anesthesia.

Despite needing four adrenaline injections to save her life, Kikii decided to complete the bulk of the surgery just three days later, with the doctors removing 6 kg of skin.

“I don’t know if I was brave or stupid,” she recalled.

The fledgling OnlyFans creator said the skin-removal surgeries gave her a new lease of life

During one of the surgeries, she lay flat for three minutes after having an allergic reaction to a muscle relaxant used in anesthesia.

Kikii took six weeks off to recover from the procedures, during which time she could barely move or sleep. (Pictured before and after her excess skin removal surgeries)

Kikii took six weeks off to recover, during which time she could barely move or sleep.

“You can’t go to the toilet without help. The wounds should not get wet if there are parasites in the water. I had about a thousand stitches. It wasn’t glamorous,” she said.

However, she said she would do it all again.

“I feel so liberated to finally be the person I was inside, that people didn’t see. They always saw the fat; they didn’t see who I was,” she said.

“The world is not kind to bigger people. It’s a pity, but that’s how society is.’

Kikii started OnlyFans to earn extra money, but she also saw it as an opportunity to show off her slimmed-down figure after years of hiding under baggy clothing.

“I’m single, I feel sexy and free, I just want to show it – I think it’s hot,” she said.

The vast majority of the money she makes comes from doing “special things” for her fans, but many men just want to chat and connect.

Kikii started OnlyFans to earn extra money, but she also saw it as an opportunity to show off her slimmed-down figure after years of hiding under baggy clothes

Kikii underwent three rounds of surgery, costing her more than $100,000. She also had her breasts done as a “little gift” to herself. (Photo: Kikii is back before and after surgery)

Kikii dreams of quitting her day job and being among the top 10 percent of OnlyFans creators.

She said she would always be grateful to the men who supported her from the beginning.

‘Without them you are nothing. You need them more than they need you,” she said of her paying subscribers to OnlyFans.

‘I keep hearing from guys that it’s nice to talk to someone sincere. Sometimes I get shy because I’m not used to all the attention.

“I didn’t lose my virginity until I was in my twenties. The boys at school wanted nothing to do with me – now they were suddenly interested.

“I was standing on the side of the road and people were yelling ‘fat pig’ and honking. It’s an ugly world.

“I know what I saw when I was bigger and how the world treats me now. I try to be nice to everyone no matter what.”

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