I told my sister I hate the baby name she chose for her first child – now she’s calling me ‘boring’ and ‘basic’

A woman has expressed concern over the name her sister chose for her unborn daughter.

The younger sister, 24, and her boyfriend, 27, are expecting their first child and have chosen the name Araya Sunshine Heavenly Olivia – or 'a ray of sunshine' – for her.

The aunt shared the details on Reddit, saying she feared the child would be bullied at school. She encouraged her sister to consider something else.

“I told her that she could name her baby whatever she wanted, but that she had to keep in mind that she was not just naming a baby, but a human being who will eventually become an adult, and that I think that name would be quite a strange name. for an adult,” she wrote.

'Her response was, “If you don't like the name, don't name your child that!” She then told me that the name she chose was much better than the 'plain, boring grandma names' I called my daughters.”

An aunt is concerned about the name her sister has chosen for her unborn daughter. The name in question is Araya Sunshine Heavenly Olivia – or 'a ray of sunshine' (stock image)

“At first I thought she was joking, and she told me she totally meant it, and that they had both had their hearts set on this name since they found out they were having a girl.”

The aunt said she named her two daughters Lillian and Madeline, which the sister called “boring.”

“She then told me I was an asshole for criticizing her baby name, but I guess I'm trying to save her future child from a lifetime of bullying and making fun of her name,” the post continued.

'I don't have a terrible name, but my name is traditionally a man's name, and I was constantly bullied during my school years for having a 'boy's name'.

“I'm afraid that if my sister continues to name her baby the name they chose, the poor child will be bullied at least ten times worse than I was at school.”

The aunt had to wonder if she was wrong for sharing her thoughts on the baby name.

“At first I thought she was joking, and she told me she totally meant it, and that they had their hearts set on this name since they found out they were having a girl,” the Reddit post read. (stock image)

More than 400 people participated in the conversation, many of whom agreed with the aunt.

“For the sake of their daughter, they should choose one middle name, or a middle name with two-word hyphens. This one doesn't make any sense. You can't just throw two words and a name together in random order and call it a middle name,” one person wrote.

'This poor boy is going to be bullied because he has a name like that. Not to mention the difficulty of finding a job if it says 'Araya Sunshine Heavenly Olivia' on your application,” another added.

'There's nothing wrong with Araya. Honestly, there's nothing wrong with Sunshine or Heavenly as individual names. But 'A Ray of Sunshine Heavenly Olivia' is cruel,” a third added.

Someone else wrote: 'I think the name is stupid, but I don't think it's as big a deal as people make it out to be. Middle names are so rarely used that Araya doesn't have to reveal her middle names unless it's on a form or she wants to.”

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