I study sperm. Here are five ways for your man to boost his sperm count

A fertility expert has revealed the top five ways men can increase their sperm count, especially if they are trying to conceive.

Maryam Rahbar, a male reproduction researcher at the University of Oxford, told DailyMail.com to recommend eating tomatoes and masturbating regularly.

Sperm counts worldwide have been in free fall for decades, with the World Health Organization warning this week that one in six adults of childbearing age is now infertile.

A lower sperm count gives a man a lower chance of fertilizing an egg each time they ejaculate, decreasing their chance of having a child.

Ms. Rahbar gave DailyMail.com five tips to increase sperm count, including eating tomatoes, drinking less, taking supplements, exercising and masturbating regularly

In 1973, the average sperm count was about 104 million per milliliter. But by 2019, this had fallen to 49 million – a halving in less than 50 years.

More and more men are now falling below the fertility threshold of 15 million sperm cells per milliliter.

Eating tomatoes may help boost men’s sperm count, she suggested

Experts say this is due to poor nutrition, lack of exercise in many people’s lives, and other behaviors such as smoking or high sugar diets.

Ms. Rahbar says the effects of this can be reversed with a few lifestyle choices.

Eat tomatoes

The same chemical that gives tomatoes their bright red color also helps boost sperm count.

Tomatoes are red thanks to the compound lycopene, which studies have shown can also increase sperm quality by reducing oxidative damage to the swimmers.

A previous small study with 60 men aged 19 to 30 published in 2020found that taking lycopene daily for 12 weeks increased sperm count by 40 percent.

A survey in 2019 saw 44 men with low sperm counts take 25 mg lycopene supplements for 12 weeks, while a control group received a placebo.

By the end of the study, those who received lycopene had significantly more sperm than those who did not receive the supplement.

These tomatoes can be consumed in any form, whether fresh, juiced or in a larger meal such as baked beans or in cooking sauces, Ms. Rahbar said.

Masturbating once every two to five days can also help

Masturbate every two to five days

By emptying the pipes yourself every few days, everything can continue to run smoothly.

Ms Rahbar explained that when sperm are not ejaculated, they begin to die waiting in the testes.

The body reabsorbs the dead sperm, but in the process it also releases molecules called reactive oxygen species that are toxic to nearby sperm.

These can also kill these sperm cells or damage their ability to swim, decreasing the sperm count and quality of a man’s semen.

Mrs. Rahbar said, “You should not masturbate less than once every five days.

“Less than this can be problematic, because when sperm is in the testes, they start to die.” This leads to the formation of reactive oxygen species that are detrimental to the way sperm cells keep moving.’

It takes the body about 74 days to make each sperm, Ms Rahbar warned, meaning it can take some time for damaged sperm to clear from the testes.

Masturbation is known to have a number of essential health benefits, including boosting mood, relieving stress and – in men – reducing the risk of prostate cancer.

Experts have previously told DailyMail.com that masturbating 21 times a month — or about five times a week — is the “sweet spot” for preventing prostate cancer.

She said an hour of exercise three times a week can help keep sperm counts healthy

Run and lift weights three times a week — but be careful with rowing and cycling

About one in four Americans barely get any exercise, affecting their fertility.

Ms. Rahbar recommends that men run or go to the gym at least three times a week to boost sperm levels.

“Regular exercise can help increase sperm count,” she said. “It also reduces the risk of other conditions like obesity, which we know pushes sperm count down.”

It’s not clear why exercise helps to increase sperm count, but scientists suggest it may be because it increases blood flow to the testes, which helps provide essential nutrients and oxygen for sperm production.

Other explanations are that it can increase testosterone levels, an important hormone for sperm, and reduce oxidative stress in the body, which can damage swimmers.

It also prevents conditions such as obesity and diabetes, which are known to impair fertility.

When asked what kind of exercise men should aim for, she said running, jogging and lifting weights were best.

But she said it was important to do these without wearing tight clothing, as this allows air to circulate around the testes, keeping them at the ideal temperature of 93F (34C), below the standard body temperature of 98F (37C).

She expressed concern about exercises such as rowing and cycling, but said they can cause heat stress in the testes due to the exercise movements.

The tight lycra involved in the exercises doesn’t help either, she warned.

Heat stress can reduce sperm production by causing damage to DNA in developing sperm or disrupting hormones that regulate production.

Nevertheless, she added that this should only be a problem for men who do the exercises regularly — or professional athletes. For those participating recreationally, it shouldn’t be a problem.

She said, “For professional athletes, this is a problem. But for those who do it recreationally, it shouldn’t be.”

She said she shouldn’t drink more than two alcoholic drinks a week

Stick to one to two beers a week

Men who are concerned about fertility may want to stop happy hour a little earlier.

Ms Rahbar said men who want to increase their sperm count should drink no more than two glasses a week.

She based her recommendation on that of Canadian health authorities.

Several experts have already destroyed guidelines for ignoring the benefits of drinking, which include socializing, fighting loneliness, and celebrating events such as birthdays or winning prizes.

Canadian health chiefs are also out of step with the rest of the world.

In comparison, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that up to two beers a day are safe for a man, and in the UK, the NHS says men can drink six beers a week over three days without a problem.

Ms Rahbar told DailyMail.com: ‘There is no safe level of alcohol consumption.

“Ethanol has been linked to cellular damage, DNA damage and a hormonal imbalance, as well as inhibiting sperm production.

“I recommend having a drink here or there, but not too heavy. By that I mean one or two drinks a week, in line with Canadian government recommendations.’

Scientists have long found that alcoholism and overuse of the substance are linked to infertility.

Alcohol can damage sperm by causing oxidative stress and interfering with the body’s ability to repair DNA damage.

Supplements such as zinc and folic acid can also help boost sperm count, she said

Try supplements

Ms Rahbar, who is also a co-founder of the Jack Fertility sperm tester, said men could also try supplements to boost sperm count.

Among them was zinc, which is found in the seminal fluid and is necessary for sperm production and maintenance.

Zinc is important for the construction of sperm membranes.

Most men will get enough zinc by eating a balanced diet, with top sources like oysters, red meat and poultry.

But for those who are concerned about not getting enough, they can start taking supplements, perhaps popping a pill once or twice a day.

Persian researchers described the mineral as an ‘essential element for male fertility’ in a 2018 report.

Another supplement she recommended was folic acid, also known as vitamin B.

It is used to aid in sperm production and to regulate how DNA is added to them.

Previous studies have shown that low vitamin B9 levels in men lead to a consequent decrease in sperm count.

It is also possible to get enough of this vitamin by eating a balanced diet, with the best sources of vitamin B, including leafy greens, salmon and eggs. But the vitamin is also available as a supplement.

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