I stole my sister’s dog in retaliation after she SOLD my puppy while I was on vacation

A woman has sparked heated debate after revealing she stole her sister’s dog after selling her puppy while on holiday.

The unnamed 24-year-old from the US took to Reddit under the username TAwayGreyhound and asked, “Am I the asshole for taking my sister’s dog after she gave away my puppy?”

She explained that she had a six-month-old Greyhound puppy named Goose, but due to an upcoming trip to another state, needed someone to care for him for a week.

Her sister May, 32, volunteered but ended up secretly selling the puppy to another family, claiming it had simply ‘ran away’.

The unnamed 24-year-old from the US took to Reddit under the username TAwayGreyhound and asked, “Am I the asshole for taking my sister’s dog after she gave away my puppy?”

Her sister May, 32, volunteered to care for her dog but ended up secretly selling the puppy to another family, claiming he simply ran off (stock image)

The post explained, “My sister May offered to watch (the puppy) and I told her I would send her emergency money for Goose. For food, toys and everything he needs.

“She agreed and my seven-year-old niece loves Goose. So I thought everything was great.

‘I went on a trip with my friends and it was wonderful and wonderful, but on the last day May called to say that Goose has run away and she can’t find him.

‘I was very devastated when I heard that. So I came home a little early from my trip to see if I can find Goose. But I couldn’t do that.’

The woman continued, “I asked May how he got out. She told me she just let him out so he could stretch his legs. After twenty minutes she went to get him to see that he was not in her backyard.

‘She panicked and then she called me. For a while I was just depressed.

‘All my friends try to cheer me up. It helped for a while, but my best friend Cora found a photo of a small family with my dog ​​Goose on Facebook.

‘It was a friend of my niece. So I rushed ahead and contacted them to tell them this was my missing dog Goose. If I can get him back.”

The post was quickly flooded with shocked reactions from readers who remained bitterly divided in the comments

But to her horror, the animal lover said the family refused to give the puppy back because May told them he wasn’t wanted.

‘I begged and said it was under my name and microchipped, but I never said I didn’t want it. None of it was true, I was on vacation in another state.

‘May had to watch him. Don’t give it away. I told them I would pay them how much so I could get it back. They just blocked me,” she revealed.

Furious at her sister for giving away her beloved companion, the woman said, “I went to see May and when she opened the door. I panicked when she demanded she tell me why she was giving Goose away.

‘She said that wasn’t true, that he had run away. I told her to stop it and tell me the truth after I showed her the pictures and messages.

‘She told me she needed the money for my niece. That the money they needed was more important than a stupid dog. So I stormed into her house and took her dog Dazey.

“She yelled at me that I couldn’t handle Dazey. I told her that since she gave away my puppy, I can take hers with me. Because my mental health is more important than a stupid dog. I said she better get Goose back or I will take legal action.”

The post concluded: “I left with Dazey and now sit at home wondering if AITA?”

May claimed that ‘Goose ran off’ rather than admit to her sister that she had sold the puppy to another family (stock image)

But other Reddit users were more concerned about May’s dog

The post was quickly flooded with shocked reactions from readers who remained bitterly divided in the comments.

Some followers believed she wasn’t wrong – and therefore NTA (Not The A**Hole).

One person wrote: ‘NTA, I’m so sorry for your predicament but this is straight out of a dog movie. Keep her dog as collateral until you get Goose back.

“Not everyone here sucks, your sister sucks for selling your dog and the ‘new owners’ suck for not cooperating.

“You had a reasonable answer, how did she not expect this to happen? A dog for a dog, as Red Skull would say. I really hope you get Goose back. Perhaps you could offer your sister’s dog to the new family.’

Another person added: ‘NTA, I would definitely try to take the legal route to get your dog back.’

‘Take your dog back. If it’s chipped in your name, just report it stolen and get the authority’s help to get it back,” a third person wrote.

Another person added: “This is the right thing to do. Then tell your sister she’s a garbage man and don’t contact her again.’

But other Reddit users were more concerned about May’s dog.

One person wrote: ‘Theft of your dog does not give you the right to steal her dog. Just call the police and get your dog back. They bought stolen items and you can prove the dog is yours.”

Another person added: “That’s kidnapping a dog. What your sister did was bad and you probably won’t get your dog back. The dog you are with may be having problems from being separated from its family, problems such as not eating and getting sick.

The Reddit user was finally able to get Goose back after contacting police and returning May’s dog (stock image)

“Return the dog and, if possible, take legal action against her to at least compensate for what she has done. I wouldn’t depend on her for anything anymore and try to have little contact.’

One person wrote: ‘YTA. Definitely need to bring her dog back! Report it to the authorities and let them handle it. You raided and took her dog, which she could claim was guilty of trespassing, theft, etc. Your case can be settled civilly. What YOU did could be much worse.”

“Report your puppy as stolen and let the authorities handle it. They have to give Goose back. Give Dazey back before they report you to the police,” someone else wrote.

The Redditor informed users in the comments that she had since returned Dazey to her sister and called the police.

She was finally able to get Goose back and blocked May from everything but her phone number to keep in touch with her niece.

She also had to block the family who bought Goose because they would ‘harass’ her.

The user joked: “Everything else was great.”

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