I snapped at my sister-in-law after she called my baby the wrong name – now my husband is mad at me

  • The 25-year-old opened up about the situation on Reddit’s ‘AmItheA**hole’ forum
  • She explained that her sister-in-law repeatedly called her baby the wrong name
  • After berating her son’s aunt, her husband accused her of overreacting

A mother has been accused of overreacting after scolding her sister-in-law for repeatedly calling her newborn son by the wrong name.

The 25-year-old opened up about the situation on Reddit’s ‘AmItheA**hole’ forum, saying she and her husband were “absolutely excited” to welcome their son into their lives.

‘On behalf of our son, my in-laws held a small meeting with the immediate family. This was also the first time for many of them to meet our son, especially the children,” she wrote.

A Reddit user revealed she snapped at her sister-in-law after repeatedly calling her baby boy by the wrong name, but her husband said her response was ‘unwarranted’ (stock image)

The mother said they had a “great time” with their family, but it would have been better if her husband’s sister hadn’t kept calling their son by the wrong name.

“Their cousin also had a little boy who is two months older than our son, and (my sister-in-law) kept confusing his name with ours,” she explained. ‘I I think she just forgets her cousin’s name.’

She noted that her son’s aunt frequently called him by the wrong name during their three-day stay with her in-laws.

‘My husband and the rest of the family just loved it and kept reminding her of it. I did that too, but I got to the point where it was letting me down,” she admitted.

‘When she called him by the wrong name again, I snapped. “I told her that whoever she’s calling isn’t there, and if she’d been paying attention, she might notice that this is a different baby.”

The mother recalled how there was an awkward silence before her sister-in-law apologized and assured her it wouldn’t happen again. She aadmitted that her outburst made the rest of the weekend awkward for everyone.

“After returning, my husband told me it was unfounded, and that I was mean to his sister because of an honest mistake,” she said. “Since I knew she had trouble with people’s names, I should have given her some time.”

The Reddit user added that she agreed to apologize to her sister-in-law, but she wasn’t convinced she was wrong and asked readers to weigh in.

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Commenters were divided over the new mom's outburst.  Some felt it was well deserved, while others agreed with her husband and felt she had overreacted due to an honest mistake

Commenters were divided over the new mom’s outburst. Some felt it was well deserved, while others agreed with her husband and felt she had overreacted due to an honest mistake

Many commenters felt she had overreacted, saying it was an honest mistake and not something to take personally.

“It appears from what you wrote that this was not your intention,” someone responded. “There are two new babies in her life, and they have very close names. It’s hard to make a full judgment without knowing the names. But either way, you snapped at her despite your own apparent belief that it was a mistake.”

“You’re talking about a baby she just met. Her brain hasn’t had time to create much muscle memory with the name yet. Some people are just better with names than others,” someone else commented.

‘I have five older brothers. People called them by the wrong name all the time. You made a mountain out of a molehill and were unnecessarily rude to someone when you were someone else’s guest,” another added.

However, others defended the new mother, wondering whether her sister-in-law named the baby the wrong name on purpose.

‘Once, twice, maybe even three times, could be an innocent mistake. But multiple times is intentional for me,” one person pointed out.

“That’s exactly a mistake, but once most of the people at the event have corrected her and she still continues to say the wrong name and ONLY makes an effort to learn the correct name after being called… leads me to believe that it was purposeful was,” someone else agreed.

“How many times does she need to be corrected before she gets it right?” asked another. “I’d be annoyed too.”