I moved to the Gold Coast and there are so many things here that would freak Americans out

An American who recently moved to Australia lists all the things she likes about her new home country, including the labor laws and “old” cars.

Eli Winters, who now lives on the Gold Coast, said she was surprised to discover Australia has a living minimum wage and paid holidays and sick leave.

She also noticed that there is no ‘stigma’ about buying older cars and says people are ‘celebrating’ a lot rather than considering a 15-year-old car as ‘lower class’.

Eli said there are a number of differences between the US and Australia that would “freak out” Americans, the biggest of which is labor laws.

“The fact that the minimum wage is livable, the fact that you get more money if you work on weekends or overtime or late at night,” she explained in a TikTok clamp.

American expat Eli Winters (photo) has told why she likes living in Australia. She said she was shocked to discover that full-time employees receive a living wage and sick and vacation leave

‘America has overtime pay, but no weekend pay, but it’s just not the same as here.’

The expat was shocked to discover that full-time employees, regardless of their position in the company, are entitled to paid vacation leave and sick days.

“If you work full-time at a store or at the local grocer… you get four weeks of paid vacation,” she said.

“In America, some people work all their lives and I don’t think they take that many paid holidays, which is tragic.”

Another thing about Australia that surprised Eli was how many older cars there are on the road.

“If you were going to make a living, having an old one that’s 15 to 20 years old is just normal, but I feel like in America there’s more of a cultural stigma around it,” she said.

“You don’t really find that many old cars, or if you do it’s considered low class or something, whereas I think to the rest of the world it seems like you have a lot and it’s more celebrated.”

Eli said she 'loves' living Down Under and appealed to the Aussie boys to help her stay in the country: 'If anyone is looking for a wife so I can stay here forever, I am very single

Eli said she ‘loves’ living Down Under and appealed to the Aussie boys to help her stay in the country: ‘If anyone is looking for a wife so I can stay here forever, I am very single

Eli said she ‘loves’ living Down Under and appealed to the Australian boys to help her stay in the country.

“In other words, if anyone is looking for a wife so I can stay here forever, I’m very single,” she joked.

The American’s video was viewed more than 1.4 million times and many Aussies in the comments loved her hot shots.

“We love our old cars for their character and design,” said one viewer.

“And complaint pay, long service leave, double pay for 38 hours, laundry pay, pension and mandatory breaks,” a second noted.

‘If I lived anywhere other than the US. It would be Australia,” someone added.

Some disagreed that Australia’s minimum wage was livable in recent years due to the “insane” cost of living, but they conceded it was better than in the United States.

Eli’s plea for an Australian husband even caught the attention of some male viewers.

“Hope you find a man, we’d love to call you Australian,” said one user.

‘Is there an application procedure?’ asked another.

“You seem to like old cars and want to have a job. Okay sold, when is the wedding?’ laughed a third.