I just turned 90 – here’s my biggest life regrets so you don’t make the same mistakes

An 'honest and candid' 90-year-old grandmother has revealed her biggest regrets in her life and what she would do differently if she had her time again.

Personal trainer Rachel Dillon's beloved nanna celebrated her birthday on November 19 with family.

While eating cake and drinking champagne, Rachel asked her grandmother several questions about her life and posted a TikTok video.

The grandmother admitted that she wished she could do “less of nothing” and “more of something” in her lifetime.

She said her biggest regret was getting married young at 17 – a sign of her times in 1950.

Personal trainer Rachel Dillon asked her grandmother questions about her life on her 90th birthday. Her beloved grandmother said she wished she didn't marry young, worked more and socialized more often

'I never worked again after I got married or anything like that. I wish I probably would have had more contact with other people [sic] – more fun,” she said.

Rachel then asked if her grandmother had any regrets – and others around the table laughed at the hefty question.

“Yes, I regret getting married too young,” she replied.

'I met my husband when I was 13 and he was 15. We got married at 17 and 19. I met him at the library. He always took me for a ride on his bike.'

While many think eating healthy and staying fit is the secret to longevity, Rachel's grandmother said there is “no secret at all.”

Instead, she bluntly attributed it to “good genes.”

Rachel asked if her grandmother had any regrets – and others around the table laughed at the heated question. “Yes, I regret getting married too young,” she responded, adding, “I met my husband when I was 13 and he was 15. We got married at 17 and 19. I met him at the library . He always took me for a ride on the bike'

When describing herself, she said, “I think I go out a lot. I'm not shy. I've always liked men.'

The conversation took a turn when the grandmother said she “didn't want to make it to 90.”

'I'm done with it. I've had everything I wanted in the world. I'm very excited to meet my little puppy dog ​​waiting there for me.”

Finally, Rachel asked her grandmother for life advice she had gathered over her ninety years.

But her grandmother said, “Oh God, no, not these days. Not the way things are going in the world.'

'I'm just glad I'm gone. I don't want to be part of anything I see happening.'

When describing herself, she said, “I think I go out a lot. I'm not shy. I've always liked men.' The conversation took a turn when the grandmother said she “didn't want to live to be ninety”

The adorable video has since been viewed more than 266,000 times and hundreds of comments poured in.

'I can't believe she's 90! Great humor,” one wrote, while another said: “She is so precious.”

“That's a life well lived when you're okay with going anywhere because you got what you needed in life,” a third added.

Someone else said: 'I still have a sense of humor about her. I would love to have half her energy at this age.”

'I like advice from older women. So wise and lived such a life that we cannot even fathom. What a blessing to be so old and healthy. You are so blessed to still have your grandma,” wrote another.

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