I invited 20 guests to a lavish surprise party for my boyfriend’s 30th birthday – but no one’s coming

A friend who was planning a surprise party for her boyfriend's 30th birthday was reduced to tears when his friends were told they wouldn't show up.

Danielle, from the US, invited 20 guests but was heartbroken when everyone except his parents confirmed he could not attend the big day.

The 26-year-old had a fun event planned, but was left feeling like it was her fault.

“I will never plan a birthday party for anyone again,” she said in a TikTok video while you cry in the car.

Danielle planned a surprise for her boyfriend's thirtieth birthday and invited twenty of his closest friends. But she was moved to tears when everyone confirmed they could not attend

“I'm planning my boyfriend's 30th birthday, and I have this huge rental property with pickleball courts, and it's going to have a taco caterer, and it's so perfect: it has everything he loves,” Danielle said.

“His parents helped me, put money into it, and it's going to be so much fun, and he's going to love it.

“But none of his friends are coming.”

Wiping away tears, she added: “It's heartbreaking. It's disappointing and I just don't have the heart to tell him.

“I wanted this to be so special, but I feel like it's my fault. I feel like I've let him down.'

In a TikTok video, she cried sadly, “I wanted this to be so special, but I just feel like it's my fault. I feel like I let him down.”

The emotional TikTok video caught the attention of thousands of people who felt sorry for Danielle and her boyfriend.

“He needs new friends, I can't play pickleball but I'll bring the booze,” one person wrote.

“They're not friends, they're acquaintances,” said another.

A third wondered: 'Couldn't ALL 20 of them?! that's so terrible. not good friends at all.'

Others consoled Danielle, saying it wasn't her fault the guests couldn't attend.

'This is NOT your fault! it's 100 percent his friend's fault. Can't they make it to his 30th?! get new friends!' wrote one.

Others suggested changing original plans and focusing on family instead.

“Girl, y'all come with family and have a blast. Eat tacos on the pickleball court, he'll love it,” said one.

'Don't tell him. Change plans. Family dinner!!' another wrote.

Someone else said: 'Change it, baby! Family dinner. He does not need to know! Preserve his feelings.”

One added: “They say you find out who your friends are when it's your birthday.”

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