I have a newborn baby but I’m moving out of the family home because my husband and stepchildren have NO boundaries

A mother with a newborn has revealed she left her family home because her husband and stepchildren ‘know no boundaries’.

The unnamed woman, believed to be from the US, took to Reddit to ask if she was the ‘jerk’ for wanting to move to a hotel with her three-week-old daughter to get some space.

She stated that she had gotten along with her three stepchildren – two boys aged 12 and eight, and a girl aged 11 – ‘very well’ during the six years she had been in their lives.

But revealed that since bringing her daughter home, she has been ‘at the end of her rope’ with the disrespectful behavior of not only the children but also her husband as he refuses to discipline them when they misbehave around the child.

The unnamed woman, believed to be from the US, revealed she left the family home because her husband and stepchildren ‘know no boundaries’

She took to Reddit to ask if she was the ‘jerk’ for wanting to move into a hotel with her three-week-old daughter to get some space (stock image)

Elaborating on the situation, the exasperated woman explained: ‘Every time I breastfeed the baby, my stepchildren try to hug her or kiss her, or get down to my bottom level and talk to her. Almost every food.

‘They refuse to leave the baby alone while I breastfeed, even though I have expressed several times how uncomfortable it makes me feel to have four children hanging on me while I try to breastfeed.

“Not to mention that during this time they lean over to kiss the baby, which is just stupid and inappropriate.”

“Or when she’s taking a nap, they go in and touch her and play with her feet or rub her head and wake her up right away so she’s cranky from a total lack of sleep.”

She continued, “No matter how many times I explain to the kids AND my husband that they need to stop and why, they keep doing it.

‘And they’re always so vocal about it. Every time they talk to her it’s basically people screaming. As if she’s worried, they immediately say to her face: ‘Hey! Stop that right now!’

‘I’m getting sick. I hardly eat because this whole environment makes me nauseous. I now feel extremely uncomfortable with my husband and stepchildren because they don’t listen or even want to listen.’

The mother then revealed what finally tipped her over the edge: after registering three spanks from her stepchildren in quick succession.

She revealed that since bringing her daughter home, she has been “at the end of her rope” with the disrespectful behavior of not only the children, but also her husband as he refuses to discipline them when they misbehave around the child ( stock image)

She explained: ‘This morning was the first strike because I had just put the baby to sleep and the youngest stepchild woke her up by screaming.

“Then, after she starts crying, all three kids come running in and get in her face and won’t move for me to pick her up and calm her down.

“And then I went to nurse her 10 minutes later and my stepdaughter comes in and literally rests her head on my arm, right next to my bare bottom, while she’s touching the baby.”

The woman wrote, “I just got up and packed. I told my husband that I won’t stay with him and his children while the baby is still small because I can’t deal with them and their lack of boundaries.’

But apparently both her husband and the stepchildren’s mother — with whom she previously had a healthy relationship — told her she was wrong “because the kids are just excited and I’m taking this experience away from them by being ‘greedy and strange.'”

‘I’m just f**king tired and annoyed by the lack of attention and people constantly on my t*ts like it’s not inappropriate. I am staying in a hotel until further notice. AITA?’ the woman concluded.

And other social media users remained bitterly divided in the comments.

There were people who labeled her an asshole because of her behavior warned her, “Yes, let me tell you something: this is just life with a baby and older kids. I appreciate that your hormones are out of whack right now, but you’re not handling this well.”

The same commenter continued, “You can’t keep the baby away from the other kids and their dad because you feel a little uncomfortable and irritated. Figure it out. It’ll be fine.’

Other social media users remained bitterly divided in the comments, with some labeling her a jerk for her behavior, but she quickly hit back

To this, the woman countered, “They can see the baby all they want when I don’t have at*t in her mouth.

‘That is common sense and has been explained to them. They are eight, eleven and twelve, not two. They should understand.’

Many more people supported the woman and agreed that her reaction to leaving for a hotel was completely reasonable; they thought she was ‘not the bastard’.

“I understand the kids are excited about their new sister, but you just had a baby and don’t feel comfortable with your husband’s kids up your ass,” one person wrote, adding, “It could also be that you don’t let a baby rest properly. cause health problems.’

Another agreed: ‘You are still recovering from childbirth and this is too much.

“Your man needs to step up and set some serious boundaries. Breastfeeding is not a bonding time or when the baby is sleeping.”

Many more people supported the woman and agreed that her reaction to leaving for a hotel was completely reasonable – they considered her ‘not the asshole’.

And a third agreed with a no-nonsense approach.

“Yes, there’s excitement, and then there’s whatever the fuck this is,” the commenter wrote.

‘They are all old enough to understand that they should leave you alone while you try to feed your child, respect your boundaries and your personal space, and not constantly wake the baby up and scream in her face!! !

“Like how the hell THEY would feel trying to sleep if someone was constantly getting in their face, touching them, or yelling at them, and then yelling at them inches from their face when they got upset?

“I don’t want to hear, ‘But they’re children.’ Two of them are pre-teens! Babies need sooooo much sleep. And (the original poster) gets NO support from any of them! They are not helpful, they are not cute, their actions are harmful not only to the baby but to (the original poster) as well.”

The commenter concluded, “The baby will still be there and still be cute after a feeding and after a nap… But honestly, a hotel visit won’t solve the problem. Not the whole hole, but I doubt this whole relationship is sustainable.”

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