I had the scare of my life after a toy got caught around my baby’s finger – don’t make my mistake


I had the biggest scare of my life after an ordinary toy got caught on my daughter’s finger. Please don’t make my mistake, it could have been so much worse.

A mother has warned of the dangers of mobiles over cribs after her nine-month-old baby became dangerously entangled in a cord around her finger.

Teigan Campbell, from Coventry, had “the scare of her life” after her daughter Poppy became trapped in a mobile on her bed.

The baby was left with a clearly visible mark, and Teigan said she wouldn’t have been surprised if Poppy had lost a finger.

Now he says parents should think again before hanging toys over their children’s beds, no matter how relaxing they might be.

Teigan Campbell, from Coventry, had the 'shock of my life' when she discovered her baby's finger had become entangled in the cord of a mobile above her crib.

Teigan Campbell, from Coventry, had the ‘shock of my life’ when she discovered her baby’s finger had become entangled in the cord of a mobile above her crib.

In a warning to other mothers posted on Facebook, Teigan said: “I had the biggest scare of my life last night, Poppy usually has her cell phone (she’s had it since she was a newborn) to calm her down when she falls.”

“For about half an hour after she went to sleep, I didn’t hear a thing from her until she was in the shower and she started crying randomly, which is really unusual for Poppy to wake up at night now.

“When I went to check, my daughter had the string of the mobile wrapped around her finger, so tight I thought my daughter was going to lose a finger, so tight she was actually struggling to get the string off at first!”

He said he just had to comfort Poppy and even had to call the NHS to see what he should do.

Nine-month-old Poppy, pictured in her crib, was left with a visible mark and her mother said she would not have been surprised if the baby had lost her finger.

Nine-month-old Poppy, pictured in her crib, was left with a visible mark and her mother said she would not have been surprised if the baby had lost her finger.

Teigan checked on her daughter when she heard her cry and found the cell phone cord wrapped around her finger.

Teigan checked on her daughter when she heard her cry and found the cell phone cord wrapped around her finger.

In a Facebook post, Teigan left a warning for other parents to be

In a Facebook post, Teigan left a warning to other parents to be “more vigilant when buying mobile cribs.”

Lullaby Trust Crib Guidance:

Unnecessary items in a baby’s crib can increase the risk of accidents.

While the evidence on individual items is not widely available, it makes sense to be as cautious as possible.

The charity recommends that babies sleep in cribs or bassinets that are kept as uncluttered as possible and specifically advises:

No pillows or duvets.

without crib bumpers

no soft toys

No loose bedding

There are no products (such as wedges or straps) that will keep your baby in a sleeping position

She continued: ‘I cried a lot and massaged his finger as much as I could to get some circulation back to his finger and called 111 for further guidance.

“I am so lucky and grateful that I ran to her room at the right time and that my daughter still has a thumb left!

“This is just a reminder and warning for all moms to be extra vigilant when shopping for crib mobiles for their little ones and opting for a thicker rope option (also watch out for hair tangled around your fingers and fingers!) the feet!)

‘I really got the scare of my life. PS: the mobile is now in the trash and you will not be allowed to return it.

The Lullaby Trust says that mobiles should always be kept out of the reach of babies.

Similarly, the hairs can also become entangled in the fingers and toes, cutting off the blood supply.

They are so thin that they often go unnoticed, but Capillary Tourniquet Syndrome can cause significant damage.

Missouri mother Sara Ward also warned parents about the dangers of the rare condition after she had to take her five-month-old son, Logan, to the hospital when he developed the syndrome.

Sara, a mother of three at the time, was unaware of the risk and shared on Facebook that she and her husband “noticed a line across Logan’s toe and some redness.”

His toe had still not improved in two days, so they took him to see his pediatrician, which is when they first learned of capillary tourniquet syndrome.

A hair was wrapped around the third toe on Logan’s right foot and the doctor and nurses spent about 40 minutes trying to remove it.

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