I found my husband looking at raunchy pictures of my best friend – I’m pregnant with our third child and I don’t know what to do

A mother asks what to do after finding out her husband has subscribed to her best friend’s OnlyFans page.

Sophie, who is 24 weeks pregnant with their third child, said she was ‘doing some digging’ after a strange message appeared on her husband’s phone.

She said she was “really hurt” when she eventually found out her porn-addicted husband was paying to watch her friend’s raunchy footage.

Sophie called the Sydney radio station KIIS1065 to vent about her dilemma after making the discovery this weekend.

“How did you find that out, Sophie?” asked co-host Ryan Shelton.

Mum Sophie felt ‘very hurt’ after discovering her husband had subscribed to her best friend’s OnlyFans account (stock image)

“He has a certain addiction to a certain type of industry that I supported him (through),” she explained.

“Then it showed up in a post this weekend, I looked into it further, did some searching with the username and realized it was my best friend’s page.”

Host Woody Whitelaw asked if Sophie had told her friend about her husband’s subscription.

She said she asked her friend to confirm if it was definitely her page that her husband was following and she did so.

Sophie said her husband is now “well aware” that she is aware of his OnlyFans viewing habits.

‘I don’t just let something like that pass by. He knows I’m really hurt,” she said.

‘I am currently 24 weeks pregnant with our third child. I just explained to him that I didn’t think it would be someone so close to home.”

Sophie, who is 24 weeks pregnant with the couple’s third child, called kiis1065 to ask hosts Ryan Shelton (left) and Woody Whitelaw (right) what to do about her dilemma

The hosts were shocked but sympathized with the mother who said she was in a “difficult” situation and asked what her next steps would be.

“Well, that’s what we’re trying to figure out and that’s what I’m struggling with. How do you proceed with that?’ she said.

Listeners were quick to share their thoughts, with many encouraging Sophie to leave her ‘disrespectful’ husband.

‘Run Sofie! You’re so much better than that. Pack up those kids and head to a better life,” one woman said.

“He has shown you so much disrespect, he doesn’t deserve you,” another agreed.

“You’ve crossed a line when it’s your best friend, he clearly doesn’t care about you, he knows you’ll just take him back,” said a third.

Some were even suspicious of Sophie’s friend, with one saying: ‘I would question this ‘best friend’. If he follows her OnlyFans page, chances are they’ve exchanged a few looks in real life too. You can’t trust anyone!’

However, others had no sympathy for Sophie and told the mother to ‘get over it’ and ‘toughen up’.

“She says she knows he’s addicted to porn, but she gets bent out of shape when he sees someone she knows. Not like they’re in a relationship. I just don’t see the problem here,” one person wrote.

‘How is the rest of your relationship? If things go well, just be patient and deal with it, a good man and a good father are hard to find,” another responded harshly.

‘Don’t be a home wrecker. Explain yourself to him. The fact that you are happy to share this on the radio also speaks volumes.’

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