I found a hidden tape with secret footage of a naked woman being recorded

A woman has revealed she discovered a gruesome videotape filmed by a previous homeowner that showed a naked woman who seemed to have no idea she was being recorded.

Anna Zap regularly vlogs her daily life on her TikTok account. She recently sparked a fierce debate when she wondered what to do with a videotape she found hidden behind the wall of her basement.

In the viral clip that has been viewed more than 1.6 million times, the Connecticut content creator said the recording included footage of the previous homeowner’s wife getting out of the shower, unaware that the camera was on her used to be.

She infuriated her followers by asking them if she should track down the previous owners and return the tape or throw it away and pretend she never found it.

Anna Zap has revealed she discovered a gruesome videotape made by a previous homeowner that showed a naked woman who seemed to have no idea she was being recorded

She recently sparked a fierce debate when she wondered what to do with a videotape hidden behind her basement wall that contained graphic images.

The content creator from Connecticut said the recording included footage of the previous homeowner’s wife getting out of the shower

“Last week my husband and I found a VHS camcorder tape hidden behind a wall in our basement when we were cleaning it out,” she said.

Anna went on to explain that her house is “old” and was built in 1938, meaning it has had many other owners before her and her husband.


Would YOU return the tape?

She explained that someone who “owned one of the last Radio Shacks in the country” converted it for her.

At the beginning, the video opens with some wholesome moments – including the moment the husband and wife brought their baby home, and other touching family memories.

But then Anna revealed the “reason why it was hidden behind a wall.”

The man secretly hid the camcorder and filmed his wife getting out of the shower and getting dressed without her knowing.

“She never knows the camera is filming her and she’s naked,” the mother-of-two added.

Anna said she had a “moral dilemma” and wasn’t sure what to do with the tape in the future.

“The man secretly hid the camcorder and filmed his wife getting out of the shower and getting dressed without her knowing,” Anna said.

Anna said she had a “moral dilemma” and wasn’t sure what to do with the tape in the future

She said she wasn’t sure whether to “destroy the tape” or track down the owners.

“I looked it up, they sold the house in 1996, I couldn’t find their names online because it was too far away, that was 30 years ago, but I could go to City Hall and see if I could get the tape back give,” she explained.

However, Anna said she was not confident in her decision to hand it over because then the woman would know “that this movie of her nude exists.”

The mother of two said, “Do I just let it go and let it live within the walls of history and destroy it or try to find her?”

So she turned to her followers for their help.

However, Anna said she was not confident in her decision to hand it over because then the woman would know “that this movie of her nude exists”

Many viewers begged her to do the right thing and hand it over to the woman.

‘Are you joking? She has a right to know who she married!’ one person said.

Another wrote: ‘Don’t give it to them, but give it to her and tell her the end of it was filmed by her without her permission. She must know.’

“I’m sure she would love to have those memories and deserves to know she was filmed,” one user added.

‘Find her! Either way she deserves to know,” one person wrote.

However, other users told Anna to just forget about the tape altogether

However, other users told Anna to just forget about the tape altogether.

‘Destroy it. The damage it can cause isn’t worth it,” said one user.

Another person said, “You assume she didn’t know. Just because she didn’t know at the time doesn’t mean she didn’t pre-approve.”

“Let it go,” someone else wrote.

“If it had been me I would have thrown it in the trash from the start and went about my day,” said one comment.

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