I ‘died’ after being struck down with sepsis – angels took me to a really unexpected place

I ‘died’ after being struck with sepsis – angels took me to a truly unexpected place

What happens to us when we die is a question many of us desperately want to know the answer to.

Now a 57-year-old man has shared his own captivating experience of the “afterlife,” in which he claims to have been taken to a pub by angels.

David Hanzel was in a coma for two months after contracting pneumonia and sepsis in September 2015.

The self-proclaimed spiritual medium, who lives in North Carolina, claimed he knew he was “going to die” early. He talked about how he was “flatline” and described himself as “dead” – although patients in a coma are technically still alive.

The ‘ghost whisperer’ claimed he closed his eyes and when he opened them again he found himself in the ‘night sky’ and was eventually led to a nearby pub.

David Hanzel was in a coma for two months after contracting pneumonia and sepsis in September 2015 – a reaction to a life-threatening infection that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure and death

He told Daily star: ‘I only remember closing my eyes because I was sick. And when I opened my eyes again, I was in this night sky. It was the most beautiful, velvety, silky night sky.

‘No clouds. No stars. No nothing. And there was no beginning or end to it.’

Mr. Hanzel said he became aware of two “beings,” one on either side of him, that felt familiar and helped him navigate his new environment.

They showed him “the most beautiful golden white light” surrounded by angels and “everything” traveled to it.

Mr. Hanzel claims that the angels took him to a bar, which had “beautifully colored bottles” but no alcohol.

He believes this vision came about because you see “whatever you feel comfortable with” after you die.

After leaving the pub, Mr Hanzel walked up the side of a ‘great white building’ made of marble.

But he claims his steps were effortless and felt like he was floating.

Mr Hanzel said when he awoke from his coma he felt “cured” of his ailments and felt “total forgiveness” for those who had wronged him.

He said he had an epiphany and he had to die to understand religion.

In a video on his TikTok account, which has more than 90,000 followers, he admitted that he “doesn’t know everything” about the afterlife.

He said, “Most people have had NDAs [near death experiences] bring back what we need to get us through this life.”

Mr. Hanzel said ‘it’s a really cool experience’ but also ‘difficult’.

He added, “What you believe in this life will be pretty much what you see when you leave here. But in the end we all go to exactly the same place.’

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