I am a 44 year old mother of three and have lost 30kg in six months with simple changes anyone can do – and one of them only takes 10 minutes

A mother of three has revealed how she lost 30kg in six months after starting small and doing a 20 minute exercise routine in her bedroom.

Rachel Sacerdotifrom London, weighed 90 kg nine months after giving birth to her youngest daughter.

The 44-year-old stay-at-home mom struggled with her size and her feet regularly turned red and swelled when she walked.

Rachael started losing 1 kg a week by slowly changing her diet, walking around the block for 10 minutes and doing weight training on the floor of her bedroom.

She had “lost herself” after gaining weight and becoming a mother in her early 30s, confessing that she “didn’t know who she was” before embarking on her fitness journey.

A mother of three has revealed how she lost 30kg in six months after starting small and doing a 20 minute exercise routine in her bedroom

Rachael Sacerdoti, from London, weighed 90 kg nine months after giving birth to her youngest daughter

“I’ve really struggled with food all my life. I’ve had no education on what balanced meals are or how to cook for myself,” Rachael told FEMAIL.

‘I had extremely bad eating habits and lived on carbs and sugar. None of my meals contained protein, and I ate consistently on white bread, jam, and fried foods.

She also had no routine and ate whenever she was hungry – and it was never “anything healthy.”

“My brother was worried and told me to change my mindset and take care of myself — I’ve always burned myself out trying too much and failing,” she said.

After starting her home workout routine, Rachael started losing 1kg a week simply by slowly changing her diet, walking around her neighborhood for 10 minutes, and doing 20 minutes of weight training on her bedroom floor

Rachael’s typical day on a plate

BREAKFAST (10am): Protein oats

LUNCH (12:30 PM): Bagel with smoked salmon and cream cheese or egg salad

SNACK (4pm): Greek yogurt with fruit

DINNER (7:00 PM): Chicken fillet with vegetables and brown rice

Rachael tried to lose weight several times over the years, but never gave herself enough time to see the results.

“I wanted everything to be instant and it wasn’t until I was almost 40 that I realized I had a long way to go.”

She insisted on doing everything herself and did not hire a personal trainer or nutritionist to help her lose weight.

“I started in my bedroom, my safe place, and progress was very slow, but I started noticing a change in how I moved and ate.

‘I fell in love with the routine and good food – I lost 30kg in about six months and loved the way I looked.

“My confidence came back, I developed a real sense of myself and what I wanted out of my life.”

Rachael shared that it was “unbelievable” how spending less than an hour each morning on herself “changed her life completely for the better.”

Rachael said it was “unbelievable” how spending less than an hour each morning on herself “changed her life completely for the better”

Rachael shared that she “lost herself” after gaining weight and becoming a mother in her early 30s and “didn’t know who she was” before embarking on her fitness journey

How to make Rachael’s cottage cheese overnight oats


30g oats

140 g low-fat cottage cheese

10g peanut butter

1 tsp maple syrup

1 Biscoff cookie

Raspberries to decorate


1. In a blender add cottage cheese, oatmeal, maple syrup, peanut butter and some water

2. Mix well until the mixture is well blended

3. Pour into a glass and refrigerate overnight

4. Decorate with raspberries

5. Crumble a lotus biscuit over it

Rachael’s weight-loss journey also had a positive impact on how her family viewed being healthy — and many looked to Rachael for inspiration

Rachael’s weight loss journey also had a positive impact on how her family viewed being healthy.

“My kids ate what I did — lots of junk and sugar — but my family has gone down a new path now,” she said.

‘Our diet is more protein-oriented and we are less dependent on processed or frozen products. Most of it is homemade and healthy.’

The mother did not want to control what her children ate, and instead tried to instill her new values.

‘I want my kids to know about nutrition and balance – and to realize when they’ve had too many lollipops or crisps.

“They can eat anything in moderation – I would never think of taking chocolates away from them.”

Some of the changes Rachael has made to her shopping habits have gone a long way by adding healthy foods to their diet.

She focused on “good carbs” like quinoa, brown rice, sweet potato, and whole-wheat bread.

Rachael also switched to chickpea and lentil pasta and added protein in the form of chicken, turkey, eggs, fish, tofu, tuna, cottage cheese and Greek yogurt.

The mother added more leafy greens to her meals so that she felt ‘full’ after eating and did not restrict herself.

“I really didn’t want to feel like I was on a diet or that I had to eat small portions,” she said.

Rachael had reached most of her fitness goals in early 2020 and decided to help people improve their muscle health and eat cleaner during the first lockdown

Rachael’s friends and family were so impressed by her epic transformation that they begged her to coach them.

She had reached most of her fitness goals by early 2020 and decided to spend the first lockdown helping people improve their muscle health and eat cleaner.

“My friends were really worried about the gyms closing and didn’t know how to keep up with their routines — then they asked me to help them and show them how I changed my figure,” she said. .

Rachael originally just had a small group chat with six of her friends who would motivate each other and exchange progress photos – but then word of mouth started to spread.

‘When I reached about 20 women, I made a business plan and focused on helping other people.

‘I now offer one wellness program that’s a mix of fitness, nutrition and responsibility – and it’s really the most satisfying thing.”

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