My husband played a cruel prank on me during our wedding so I’m divorcing him – this is the red flag I ignored for months

A bride has been criticized for her harsh decision to file for divorce two days after her wedding after her husband pushed her into the cake – but some think she dodged a bullet.

Rachel was over the moon and couldn’t wait to marry the love of her life after four years together, but her fiancé started exhibiting strange behavior in the months leading up to the big day.

She revealed that Jake started watching prank videos online that humiliated brides.

‘I immediately told him that I didn’t want that at our wedding. He just laughed and said he had no plans. I thought this was the end, but I kept catching him making strange arrangements with his friends,” she shared on Reddit.

Rachel should have realized something was terribly wrong when her husband suddenly wanted to arrange the cake and the photographer, but she thought he was just excited to help.

A bride has been criticized for her decision to file for divorce two days after her wedding

A gut feeling made her remind the man that she would “break up immediately” if he pulled a prank on the wedding day.

‘Everything went smoothly until the cake was cut. The whole room watched as I took the first shot and the photographer stood in front of us with camera in hand.

‘Suddenly I felt a hand on the back of my head, pushing my face first into the cake. Not just my make-up, but the entire wedding dress was ruined and the whole room was laughing, my husband the loudest.’

Rachel was humiliated and only felt worse when Jake claimed that the image of her covered in cake was now their ‘official wedding photo’.

She hit her husband in front of everyone and ran to the bathroom in tears.

In a twist of fate, she revealed, “It didn’t take long for Karma to arrive and it came in the form of Jake’s own brother.”

The bride said Jake’s brother apologized for his actions and the reception was canceled – the festivities were ruined by the tragedy.

Rachel was shocked to discover that her husband was a bully growing up and took pleasure in hurting other people – a fact he had hidden from her throughout their relationship.

“His brother told me Jake was a bad person and took every opportunity to humiliate him as a child,” Rachel said.

‘I decided to divorce him and file for divorce. Jake told me not to do that because it was just a harmless joke. I was spammed by both his family and mine that it would be ridiculous to end our marriage over this.

‘But I see it differently: if he does something like that to me, despite multiple requests not to do it, even after he promised he wouldn’t do it, then I can’t trust him.

“Whatever he promises me, this situation could be projected onto so many worse situations where it would be important for me to be able to trust him.”

Rachel was humiliated when her husband pushed her into the cake

Rachel was humiliated when her husband pushed her into the cake

Some praised her for recognizing the bright red flag and leaving her husband.

“You’re definitely doing the right thing. Your ex bullied his brother all his life and he thought once you got married he had you locked up as his next victim,” one person said.

“Your groom face planted you and ruined the dress. There is no going back from that. It was complete humiliation. He pointed, laughed at you and encouraged everyone else to do the same,” said another.

But some claimed she was being “dramatic” for no reason.

“It was just a piece of cake, it doesn’t matter,” one man wrote.

“I think it’s cute when both parties smash a pie in each other’s faces,” another added.