Hurricane season 2024 is here. Here’s how to stay prepared

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida — WEST PALM BEACH, Florida (AP) — hurricane season has come upon us, known for disastrous flooding and high winds in coastal areas of the United States and in the Caribbean and Central America, and emergency officials are urging people to stay prepared.

Unlike previous hurricane seasons, this summer is bringing record-high temperatures across the country and an early start to storms. Hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30, but normally most hurricanes occur in September and October, said Jaime Hernandez, the emergency management director for Hollywood, on Florida’s Atlantic coast.

“It’s a little bit different this year because of the reality that we’re dealing with global warming, warmer sea surface temperatures, atmospheric conditions that are more favorable for the development of tropical cyclones,” Hernandez said. “It could develop at any time.”

Since the beginning of this week, Hurricane Beryl broke records as the first Category 4 storm to form in the Atlantic in June — abnormally early compared to previous trends.

Here’s how to prepare, what to have on hand, and who to evacuate in the event of a hurricane:

Hernandez said his emergency response team is encouraging people to do three key things: make a plan, have an emergency kit on hand and stay informed.

“We trust that people, especially those who live in an evacuation zone, need to have a plan in case an evacuation order is issued before the hurricane,” Hernandez said. “You don’t know what the impacts are going to be. You don’t know what the disruptions to infrastructure are going to look like.”

Preparing for a hurricane means stocking up on supplies ahead of time, including non-perishable food and water, in case power goes out and supplies in the community run low.

Preparedness also means having all medical supplies and medicines ready in case people can’t leave their homes. In that case, it’s important to consult a doctor about what you should have in your home.

Hernandez advised people to consult local and national emergency response checklists to make sure they are prepared.

According to Hernandez, the rule of thumb is that you should drink 3.8 liters of water per person per day for about seven days.

Additionally, supplies on hand should include non-perishable food items, flashlights, batteries, medicines and medical supplies, sunscreen, mosquito repellent, and portable power banks. It is also a good idea to have cash on hand, as ATMs may not be operational.

You should also keep documents such as birth certificates, Social Security cards and other important papers in an emergency bag in case you need to leave your home quickly, Hernandez says.

It is always wise to keep all of your vehicles fueled up in case an evacuation is ordered.

Hernandez noted that it’s also important to plan ahead if you have an electric car. Park your car on an elevated spot or away from the storm zone until the storm passes, as electric cars can struggle with flooding and storm surges, he said.

About 20 electric vehicles caught fire after being exposed to saltwater from Hurricane Ian. Hillsborough County in Florida has a web page with guidelines for electric vehicle owners, encouraging residents to park their vehicle approximately 50 feet away from any structure or vehicle due to fire hazard.

People living in low-lying or flood-prone areas should plan to evacuate before the storm hits. Sometimes officials advise simply moving a few miles inland to stay with friends or family, or in a hotel or shelter. In any case, officials advise residents to listen to their local emergency officials, who have the most up-to-date information on evacuation zones.

Evacuation orders can come before a hurricane, and officials inform residents if they live in an evacuation zone. These orders can come days or hours before a storm.

Visit your local or national emergency management agency’s website for guidelines on disaster planning.

Florida residents can find this information on the state’s website. Crisis Management Department Website.

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