Hunter investigation led to search of Biden files, Republican question


Did Hunter’s investigation turn Biden’s lawyers into a ‘clean-up crew’? Top Republicans ‘dying’ to know why ‘high-priced lawyers’ were scouring the president’s estate for classified documents after five years.

  • Rep. Michael Waltz said the GOP will “get to the bottom” of the Biden files
  • Questioned if the lawyers found the classified documents when searching the president’s properties and offices as part of the investigations into his son Hunter Biden.
  • Claims Biden ‘turned these lawyers into a cleaning crew’
  • It comes after Biden’s lawyers found at least two dozen classified documents at his Wilmington, Delaware, residence and at the Washington, DC office of the think tank.

Republicans are demanding the White House answer why President Biden’s personal lawyers were searching his Wilmington office and home when they found classified documents, even though the files have been there for five years.

Rep. Michael Waltz suggested to Fox & Friends First on Wednesday morning that the reason the documents were found in the first place may have been related to the subpoenas in the Hunter Biden investigations.

He also said that GOP-controlled House committees must demand records tracking top-secret information Biden received during his time as vice president.

In recent months and weeks, Biden’s lawyers have found documents, some labeled “top secret,” at his home in Wilmington, Delaware and at his Penn Biden Center think tank in Washington, DC.

The White House has been criticized for lacking transparency in response to the scandal that has engulfed the administration and for now publicly acknowledging the discovery for two months.

Biden’s vice-presidential files were found five years after he left office, but were not released until at least two months after their initial discovery.

Florida Rep. Michael Walz has vowed Republicans will “get to the bottom” of the Biden files scandal, questioning whether lawyers for President Joe Biden found the classified documents while searching properties and offices in connection with investigations into his son. Hunter Biden.

Republicans question whether the timing of disclosing the existence of the documents was to avoid a negative impact on the 2022 midterm elections for Democrats.

Members of the Republican Party have also lamented unequal treatment related to the Justice Department’s reaction to the mishandling of classified documents featuring Biden from former President Donald Trump, whose residence was raided by the FBI in August.

No such raid was carried out on Biden’s personal residence.

“We’re going to get to the bottom of a few key things,” Waltz said. ‘One, I’m still dying to know why expensive thousand dollar an hour lawyers were cleaning Biden’s office in the first place after five years of those documents sitting there. So what prompted that?

“There’s a lot of talk: Was it the subpoenas from the Hunter Biden investigation that suddenly turned these lawyers into a cleanup crew to start going through every document,” he added. ‘So what happened there?’

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy appointed Rep. Jim Jordan to lead the new Federal Government Select Subcommittee on Weapons, which falls under the jurisdiction of the House Judiciary Committee.

Biden’s lawyers turned over to the Justice Department at least two dozen classified documents found at the president’s home in Wilmington, Delaware (pictured) and at the offices of his D.C. think tank

Waltz said Jordan is likely to demand records “very quickly” to try to get to the bottom of what kind of material Biden took from the White House from his time as vice president, as well as the “source and methods” that may have been exposed. .

“I know from my time in the White House for years that there are records and a top-secret tracking system, especially information from top-secret compartments, that goes to the president and the vice president,” Waltz said in his interview with Fox.

“We should request them and I suspect you will see Jim Jordan doing it very quickly,” he added.

At least some documents were found in Biden’s garage at his Wilmington, Delaware, home.

Waltz, after his time at the Pentagon as defense policy director for Defense Secretaries Donald Rumsfeld and Robert Gates, served as a counterterrorism adviser to then-Vice President Dick Cheney.

“I want you to see a damage assessment from the intelligence community on what exactly these documents were and what sources and methods they exposed,” the Republican congressman from Florida continued.

I think those are reasonable requests. And the White House will not be able to avoid this issue.’

The new Federal Government Select Subcommittee on Weapons will investigate federal law enforcement and homeland security agencies, including the FBI.

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